Erreur de la base de données WordPress : [Incorrect DATETIME value: '-271766-03-14 13:12:41']SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND (
wp_posts.post_date > '-271766-03-14 13:12:41'
) AND wp_posts.ID NOT IN (7639,6866,5950) AND (
wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'post_views_count'
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish') GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_postmeta.meta_value+0 DESC LIMIT 0, 5
يقال أنّه من الغباء أن نهدر طاقاتنا في الخوف من الأشياء قبل حدوثها فالخوف كما يقول « نجيب محفوظ » لا يمنع من الموت بل هو يمنع الحياة،...
Dans une ère où tout est beau et parfait, oses-tu être toi-même ? L’air d’un adulte, je l’ai, on me l’a dit ! Mais moi, je...
In a world overflowing with speed, traffic jams, car horns, huge work overloads, and bad news, people find themselves submerged by negativity and stressful incidents. It’s...
Aren’t we all afraid of something? Maybe from heights or spiders or the dark. Most of us think that we have developed those fears because of...
In 1942, as WW2 went on, Stalin ordered the release of Polish soldiers from the Siberian gulags to fight against the Germans. Their rough journey included...
إن بحثت هذا اليوم عن خريطة المغرب الأقصى ستجد أنّ مساحتها توسّعت، توسّع جاء بعد مصادقة الولايات المتحّدة على خارطة جديدة تضّم فيها الصحراء الغربيّة إلى...
TuniHack 6.0 : Après cinq éditions couronnées de succès, TUNIHACK est de retour dans sa sixième édition qui va porter sur le thème d’actualité « Pandemic...
“Je ne veux parler que de cinéma, pourquoi parler d’autre chose ?”, dénonça le fameux cinéaste franco-suisse Jean-Luc Godard, mettant ainsi l’accent sur l’importance du cinéma,...
Salem Village, Massachusetts is the birthplace of one of America’s bleak blemishes known as The Salem Witch Trials. It is an unfortunate event that took the...
All around me are confused faces, blank test papers, bad rank laters, bright and early for the GL races, going abroad, hitting the road. Their tears...