..خايفة و انا الي عمري ما خفت قبل ..وانا لي طول عمري كنت واقفة لروحي و قوية ..خايفة من حاجة ربي عطاهالنا بش نفرحو بيها
What is this nonsense? Why do we still find ourselves afraid in 2017…? As the great John Lennon once said : » We live in a...
– Why did you avoid answering my question about the journal? He stared at her completely still, stiff and stupefied at her unforeseen question. What on...
Disclaimer: This text contains languange that some of our readers may view as offensive. He wrapped his arms around her, kissed her head and tried...
Now they’re out of the water, standing on the seashore admiring the majesty of the mesmerizing landscape surrounding them, her head on his shoulder, his arm...