As Adolf Hitler was on the rise, spreading his beliefs in the superiority of the German race, more and more extermination and concentration camps became active...
« … في هذه الساعة ديمقراطيتنا تتعرض لهجوم غير مسبوق…اعتداء على قلعة الحريّة…اعتداء على سيادة القانون…اعتداء على أقدس المؤسسات الأمريكيّة … يقتحمون مبنى الكابيتول، لتحطيم النوافذ، لاحتلال...
L’avortement est une pratique ancienne et universelle dont la libéralisation est une polémique qui coule d’encre. Certains pays autorisent l’IVG, d’autres peuvent la restreindre à certaines...
Our third interview was with Paul Kennedy, science communicator for more than 5 years in Cape Town, South Africa, project manager, and now occupying the position...
Ed Gein, also known as the butcher of Plainfield, is by far America’s most notorious killer and body snatcher. Born on August 27, 1906, in La...