1904 was quite a milestone for the Olympic games as it was the first time the game would be hosted in the US as a step...
“Words on Bathroom Walls” was initially released on August 11th in selected theaters in the US and some other countries, excluding Tunisia from the list. Raising...
Ante-scriptum: Tous les articles paraissant dans la rubrique ‘Politique’ ne reflètent pas nécessairement l’opinion du club. انها نشرة الثامنة مساء، وإنك شاب، جالس امام شاشة التلفاز،...
Our fourth interview was with Hamza Abdelhedi, an engineering student at Sup’Com and a former IEEE Sup’Com SB Chairman. In this interview, we’ll be talking about the...
تشهد الولايات التونسيّة اضطرابات اندلعت على خلفيّة اعتداء عون أمن على راع مرّ قطيعه صدفة أمام مقرّ الولاية بسليانة شمال تونس. وتمّ توثيق هذه الحادثة من...