I have been staring at these three doors facing me for longer than I can recall. Curiosity has been eating me from inside out, but I...
“Why am I here? » he asked, « As long as you breath you can be anywhere, you’re meant to be. » he answered. For This time the...
Richard Ramirez was born on the 29th of February 1960 as the youngest of five children. It was avowedly speculated that his traumatic childhood had a...
ي« ان الحب الحقيقي الذي يرويني هي الشعلة التي تحترق داخل الملايين من بائسي العالم المحرومين, شعلة البحث عن الحرية والحق والعدالة. »ي قال هاته الكلمات مُعلنا عن...
ربما لا يشعر البعض بأن ما يكمن في العنصرية و الشتم و الضرب من إهانة و استنقاص من الشأن أكثر بكثير مما هو في العبودية، على...