From the very first steps we took on that living room carpet we’ve been set into a huge trap. We were the victims of a huge...
اليوم بش نحكيو على أكثر إنسان قاعد يفيد في البشرية في وقتنا الحالي و يخمم في المستقبل متاعنا ومتاع الأجيال القادمة، اليوم بش نحكي على »the real...
His consciousness’s finally coming back. Opening his eyes is still a painful feat especially with the loud ringing in his ears. Confused as to why he’s...
I love blue, blue makes me wonder How beautiful it was to hold you in my arms With wide embracing affection I love blue, blue makes...
نظرتك.. تزرعني ورودا في حقول الجنون تمتدّ جذور لهفتي ِللقاء خدّيك أنا و بسمتك، في أحضان الحياة أنا و صمتك في السّديم نسرد الحكايا همسًا تحت...