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The Theatre of Conquest: Ambition in Art and Anguish







Why do we covet what is not ours?

It is a question that echoes across the annals of human history, spanning continents and epochs, resonating in the footprints of mighty armies and imperious conquerors. Stacking claims and conquering lands is a practice so deeply woven in mankind’s past, that it came to define the very essence of human nature: eternally yearning for more, forever chasing an elusive destiny.

That you are here, tells me that you are interested in the art of conquest. Perhaps you desire to master its nuances, or your arrival was out of pure inquisitiveness. Regardless, we shall delve into the tapestry of motivations, ideologies and constructs behind it.

To do our conundrum justice, we must subject history to a prism, channelling its vast spectrum of colonial narratives, intriguing happenstances and fascinating stories.

Throughout this odyssey, you will witness how this pursuit becomes an engrossing story in its own right.


Act One: The Leader


Ah, the protagonist of grand narratives, the standard-bearer, eternally embraced by history books and fantasy tales alike. Your ambition, as an eager aspirant of conquest, seeks to claim such a mantle. More often than not, a leader’s legacy stems in essence from their mastery of the art of warfare. Some carved their renown through relentless campaigns spanning vast territories, while others instilled fear in formidable adversaries through their strategic brilliance and military acumen.

Yet, perhaps the realm of colossal battle triumphs remains beyond your grasp. Fret not, for many leaders, devoid of such gargantuan feats, thrived as charismatic visionaries, adept at rousing the masses. Many a great speechmaker has wielded mesmerising oratory prowess to unify a populace shattered in wealth or in spirit, presenting a glimmer of hope amid remnants of resentment and desolation.

Yet, still, if the eloquence to sway eludes you, fear is your unrelenting ally. Let your reign resonate with dread, entwining your name with terror. Let dissent crumble beneath your unwavering resolve, sparing neither foes nor the innocent at the faintest whisper of treason.

Embrace resolute authority, why not fashion your legacy in kind?

Choose wisely, seeker of greatness, for the next act calls to stage the very core of your dominion, your cause, the bedrock upon which rest your aspirations.


Act Two: The Cause


Doubtless, a conqueror cannot thrive on mere ambition alone. While riches, land, and resources offer allure, they do not constitute a purpose. What beckons is a pursuit far loftier, surpassing the trappings of earthly wealth and possessions.

Perhaps your right to rule is divine, for it is you who has been anointed to herd the masses and shield the realms of mankind. Of course, many a king has claimed a godly right to rule, but they are mere pretenders, surely yours is the sole true monarch of the celestial domains.

Should holy scriptures or the promises of bygone rulers pledge land as rightful recompense for your people’s tribulations, then yours it shall be. Disregard the current inhabitants; they are but a fleeting obstacle in the path of your manifest destiny, to be unceremoniously brushed away by your juggernaut.

However, if religious sanctity fails to justify your noble cause, then surely the annihilation of your rivals shall be a fitting purpose. Should you lack a foe, create a scapegoat; exploit any pretext to your advantage. The art of conquest often thrives on the existence of an enemy, whether it is real or crafted, is but a frivolous matter.

Select your cause, emerging leader, and allow it to chart your course. Yet, be mindful; you shall not traverse this road unaccompanied; the stage eagerly awaits your unwavering companion: your army.


Act Three: The Army


At the mere mention of « army, » the mind finds it easy to conjure a grand spectacle: legions of warriors adorned in armaments, awe-inspiring war constructs surpassing human imagination, and the tumultuous frenzy of colliding factions.

Your soldiers, mere mindless brutes, should know no loyalty beyond your command. Let them epitomise a chilling ruthlessness, remorselessly traversing any extremes for your victory.

Enforce their blind allegiance, release them upon the world, and witness the havoc they wreak as you play spectator from the sidelines.

Yet, amidst these vivid scenes of destruction, lies but a fraction of the symphony.

As the orchestrator, remember that this ensemble requires not only fighters but also heralds of praise and masters of propaganda. Craft a narrative that romanticises battles and immortalises soldiers. Adorn your campaign with a vibrant standard, weaving a compelling tale. In the theatre of conquest, it matters not who opposes when the world’s bards sing of your glory, guiding hordes of warriors and death machines toward resounding triumph.

And so, amidst the convergence of all elements for your grand campaign, one crucial decision lingers—the selection of your target.


Act Four: The Conquered


Although your cause may seem just and your army formidable, exercise caution in your choice of conquest. Your foes should ideally be perceived as primitive, incapable of defending themselves beyond mere sticks and stones. Why should they resist? Your might ought to be enough. They possess no entitlement to defend themselves or their way of life, for your mission is to civilise and rescue them from their own miserable, bleak existence.

So, by all means, spare no man, woman or child in your pursuit of a glorious destiny. And if your adversaries dare defend themselves against your overwhelming strength, twist the narrative, paint them as the aggressors, and employ any deceptive tactic to further suppress them. Because, clearly, that’s how righteousness prevails, isn’t it?Destroy homes, places of worship, schools, hospitals, leave no stone unturned as you erase your enemy from the history books. No cultural monument or homage shall remain, none other than the ones you shall erect to commemorate your resounding greatness.

And as you stand, witness to it all, amidst rubble and scorching flame, amidst devastation and sorrow, is it pride you feel at this sight? Or does a haunting shadow of remorse loom large?


The Curtain Call


Alas, like echoes of history, you too find yourself grappling with the weight of an irreversible toll—a toll exacted by your own misguided ambitions. The tragic realisation arrives belatedly, casting a pall of regret as you witness the irrevocable loss. The hasty pursuit of glory or dominion, once draped in allure, now reveals its harrowing cost. Innocent souls, unwittingly drawn into the fray, find themselves condemned to untimely graves, casualties of a cause that, in hindsight, seems ever more futile. Ancient sites, crown jewels that stood the test of time, stalwart guardians of history’s legacy, are now but bygone vestiges, remnants of a distant past.

As the curtain draws to a close, a deafening silence fills the void where applause should’ve echoed.                  Instead, hushed whispers and echoing cries of lost dreams and shattered hopes reverberate through the solemn air, bearing witness to the tragic consequence of hubris. In the haunting silence that follows, one truth lingers unmistakably clear—no cause, however grand, justifies destruction, and the sacrifice of innocent lives.


Written By : Zied Kharrat .

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Albert Camus on Absurdism and The Beauty of Pushing Rocks.






“What’s the meaning of life?”


A question that we all have pondered over. Yet, there seems to be no clear answer, or at least, no definite one.


The meaning of life is a long-standing subject of philosophical inquiry. While some nihilists and pessimists deem it as an impossible equation to solve – concluding that life is meaningless and one should grow indifferent towards it–, many other philosophers spent most of their lives searching for ‘The answer’, only to arrive at drastically different conclusions. It’s as if the answer refuses to be found, yet the urge to ask the same question remains.

This conflict between humanity’s desire for meaning and the universe’s indifference is what Albert Camus called The Absurd. This absurdity arises from humanity’s restlessness, always asking “Why?” despite the clear lack of answers. So, instead of hopping on this endless search, Camus decided to change the question altogether.

“We must ask: is it possible to live without appeal?”


His answer was yes, arguing that we should not let ourselves search in vain for the meaning of life, but rather, let go of it entirely.

However, grasping such a concept is not an easy task. For how can you ask someone to accept letting go of the only thing that fuels their existence and gives sense to it?

Well, Absurdism dares to argue that acceptance is what will eventually lead to liberation.

When one is going through an existential crisis, Albert Camus proposes 3 solutions:

Solution 1: You run, in a metaphorical sense, by finding meaning in things or concepts that bring you peace and solace such as religion, moral values, principles, and guidelines…. However, this can be considered as philosophical suicide, because you are running away from the problem instead of confronting the possibility of failing at solving its very question. Escapism can never be the answer, especially when these external sources may not resonate with everyone.

Solution 2: You put an end to your life (Do not recommend).

Solution 3: You accept that there is no answer, that life is indeed meaningless, yet, still worth living. You simply move on.


The core of Absurdism aims to end one’s futile suffering and push people into embracing life despite the lack of inherent meaning. Giving up on finding ‘The answer’ will definitely be more challenging than the pursuit of discovering it but the consequences will be way less daunting. Here, one can notice that Absurdism and Stoicism meet. Both philosophies encourage people to accept what one can not control without deeming it as a failure but rather as a strength. You can only suffer if you choose to. It all boils down to a matter of choice at the end. What you give importance to will eventually affect you positively or negatively and it is your responsibility to choose well.


Perhaps, to better understand The Absurd one should take a look at the Greek myth of Sisyphus: A former king condemned by the gods to push a boulder uphill for all eternity only to watch it roll back down again once he reaches the hill’s summit. Sisyphus’s punishment is the perfect analogy to humanity’s unending search for meaning. For what’s more absurd than repeating a futile task to pursue a goal that can never be achieved?

Through his studies of this myth, Camus has come to one important and radical conclusion:

“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”


But, happy in what sense?

How can someone be truly happy if their whole life is reduced to consecutive failures?

Doesn’t true happiness lie in achieving goals? What’s the point of any of this?

Well, for once, we have an answer:

Perhaps happiness is found in the uncertainty of it all.

Sure, for Sisyphus pushing a rock up a hill over and over again must be exhausting. But did you ever wonder if he grows to enjoy it over time? If all that eternal meaningless labor becomes an art of his own?

Camus likes to imagine Sisyphus smiling every time the rock rolls down the hill, for amid all that absurdity, the Greek king has found meaning: To revolt by making his punishment self-justifying.

Sisyphus fully accepts his situation and hence, he allows himself to give it his all by living with passion, even if that passion consists of pushing a ridiculously heavy rock forever (to each their own, no judgment).


Now, how can we apply Absurdism to our daily lives?

First, it’s vital to take everything with a grain of salt. Philosophy is made to aid humans during their journeys on earth, not to further complicate it. Hence, dearest reader, it is you who decides what to take and what to reject from every proposed belief. For theoretically, the idea of remaining indifferent in the face of meaninglessness can seem doable. But in reality, it’s easier said than done. One must admit that at times staring into the absurdity of life without succumbing to despair or trying to claw meaning out of the leftover pieces can seem impossible. Yet, spending the rest of our lives anxiously clinging to questions and participating in a cyclic race with no view of the finish line is also self-destructive. So, I personally believe that a balanced approach is the answer.


Living authentically, finding joy within the struggle, and embracing the chaos of it all are valuable principles that any absurdist stands for. Not knowing which path to take or what decision to make, and feeling constantly lost and adrift, are inevitable human experiences that each one of us went through at least once in his life. What matters the most is actively choosing to seize the suffering of desperately holding on to the ‘perfect’, whether it is the perfect career, the perfect relationship, the perfect life, or even the perfect lunch. Within hardship, the act of pushing through itself will become the meaning. Constantly worrying about the outcome and isolating oneself from the joys of the world will only bring despair and recurrent dissatisfaction. In that case, life will simply pass you by and you’ll only be a spectator.


In the end, meaning is not found but rather created. And if Sisyphus, a former king who’s condemned to spend the rest of eternity pushing a rock up and down a hill, has found happiness, then so can you.

Written By : Fatma Ben Romdhane.

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