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انا راني فهمتكم الجزء 2… المشيشي يتكلم؟

nour ben mefteh




Ante-scriptum: Tous les articles paraissant dans la rubrique ‘Politique’ ne reflètent pas nécessairement l’opinion du club.

انها نشرة الثامنة مساء، وإنك شاب، جالس امام شاشة التلفاز، تترقب كلمة رئيس الحكومة على خلفية الاحداث الأخيرة.
شباب غاضب، عنف، اشتباكات هنا وهناك، وباء، وهل انه شعب يريد، مجددا؟ … ضغط، ولكن هل هذا هو الانفجار؟
المشيشي اليوم تكلم، وماذا قال؟
المشهد بصراحة ذكرني، كما انا على يقين بانه ذكر كل من شاهده، ببن علي 2011!
المشيشي وكغيره من الساسة واع بالأزمة يتفهم غضب الشباب او بالأحرى « يفهمه » …حاول جاهدا الفصل بين من نعتهم بالمخربين وبين السلميين… اريد ان أقول لكم هذا ما صنعت اياديكم خلال 10 سنوات… اريد ان أقول لكم العنف لم نات به نحن بل، تشرعون له أنتم في مجالسكم!
تعليم منهار، اقتصاد ارقامه لا تعرف غير علامة السلب (-)، طبقة سياسية من خير ما خلق الله، ولكن رغم كل ذلك المشيشي فهمنا… الليلة!
« الازمة حقيقية والغضب مشروع » هذا ما قاله رئيس الحكومة الليلة في محاولة لإخماد نار بدا لهيبها يتأجج في صفوف الشباب.
لكنه يتناسى ان شباب اليوم ليس شباب 2011 …لقد شاب من قبلنا ولم نرى من ثورتهم غير التعويضات، ليس لهم طبعا… بل لمن يجلسون اليوم على الكراسي وهي فارغة.
الحذر واجب ايه المشيشي، اخر من فهمنا نحن الشباب كانت له جدة بئس مصير.
انها لسخرية القدر.

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« Always be more than you appear and never let them know how afraid you are. »

As the first female chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel changed the political landscape and the lives of countless women by standing up for their rights and paving the way for a more equal society. Her words have a quiet strength that defines her legacy.



What does it mean to lead in a world often overshadowed by male voices?

Merkel saw it as cutting a way through the thicket of tradition and bureaucracy in order to elevate the downtrodden.

How did Merkel break through the barriers that kept women out of leadership?

She broke through glass ceilings with her unwavering resolve as she put innovative measures into place, most notably the 2015 corporate gender quotas. This law required women to hold at least 30% of supervisory board posts in large corporations. It was a significant step towards breaking down the long-standing barriers that had kept women out of corporate leadership.

But is law alone enough to bring about true change?

Law is only a seed; it cannot bring about change on its own. Merkel saw that in order to grow this germ, conditions had to be created that would allow women to thrive at work and at home.

What policies did Merkel support to help women thrive in both their professional and personal lives?

She supported flexible work schedules, increased parental leave, and other family-friendly policies.

She woven a safety net that allowed women to pursue their goals without sacrificing their personal life by helping them to strike the difficult balance between family obligations and career aspirations.
This all-encompassing strategy for gender equality recognized the variety of roles that women play and aimed to give them more influence in all facets of life.

How did Merkel’s leadership extend beyond national boundaries?

In addition to her outstanding accomplishments at home, Merkel became a symbol of hope internationally.

How did she demonstrate her commitment to human rights during the European migration crisis?

She showed her steadfast dedication to human rights, especially for vulnerable populations like women and children, by responding to the European migration crisis in 2015. She established herself as a global leader in the struggle for gender equality by supporting the integration of refugees and highlighting the defense of their rights, demonstrating that compassion and strength can coexist in leadership.

Even if we are inspired by her path, we can’t help but wonder if laws alone will be enough to eradicate the pervasive prejudices that still exist in society. Merkel’s tale highlights an important reality: in order to bring about long-lasting change, legislative structures must be combined with cultural changes

⇒ Her leadership, which is marked by resiliency, empathy, and pragmatism, illuminates the way for a more equitable and just society for coming generations.


Upon contemplating Angela Merkel’s lasting influence on women’s rights and gender parity, the following queries reverberate across the halls of power: How can we ensure that the following generation of women may achieve even greater heights by carrying on her
legacy? What actions must we all take in concert to foster a society in which equality is a lived reality rather than just a goal?



« The world is not a static place », she said. It is ever-changing. Let’s welcome this shift and start a movement driven by bravery, unity, and unwavering resolve. By building a future where women are empowered to lead, prosper, and influence the world around them, we can collectively commemorate Merkel’s legacy. Though there is still much work ahead in the struggle for gender equality, opportunities are endless with leaders like Merkel paving the way.


Written By: Roukaya Berbeche

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