Social media applications are perhaps one of the most profitable web services. The more personalized they get, the better. From your generic apps like Facebook or Twitter to specific ones. Every single need you have is translated into some sort of sub-community: dating communities, programming communities, gardening communities, cougars with plastic surgeries gone wrong communities… there’s something for everything and for everyone.
When you look at it, however, you almost never get any monetary profits from your favorite exotic sub-community. Minutes turn to hours and hours turn to days as you surf aimlessly. That’s what Nimses team thought of when they decided to bring the app to life (no I am not sponsored by Nimses, I’m open for negotiations though).
So what is Nimses?
Nimses is an app that could be described with two common sayings:
Time is money: Every minute of your life since you subscribe to Nimses turn into a Nim. What’s a Nim? Nim is a digital currency that can be used in various situations. Everything you post on your profile has a value of Nims. Do you want to post a photo for instance? 100 Nims. That may sound pointless, but that forces you to choose wisely.
Give and take: every like you get on your posts has a certain Nim value. So your investments can turn out to be quite profitable, that’s why you have to choose wisely. A certain amount of Nims can also buy real objects like shoes, clothing, bicycles…
Here’s a video that could explain the concept better:
The app is not only a reincarnation of your time but of social status in modern societies as well. The Nimses community is divided into statuses that depend on how many Nimses and recognition you have. The more you climb the social ladder, the more influential and powerful you become. Constant contributions are made to maintain your status.
The idea behind the app is genius if you ask me. As long as you’re okay with having a price tag of Nims attached to your profile/life that everyone can see of course. The app is about being smart and choosing to make the right investments.
A swarm of controversy is surrounding the app, however. I may be team Pewdiepie… I mean Nimses, but I’ll shift the focus to the amounts of complaints people have about the application now.
The main complaint in that Nims cannot buy those many goods for now so the currency is sort of useless compared to other Crypto Currencies. The developers are still negotiating with businesses for more available goods, but who can wait when time is money? (1000 Nims= 1$)
The other problem is mainly due to security. Once your account is created, there’s no going back and in that kind of communities, you might want an escape card. Deleting your account is only possible through contacting the support team.
As I said before, your Nims account balance (Nimb) is visible to everyone. So your gender, birthday, location, etc. there’s no such thing as privacy on Nimses.
The final verdict goes to you of course. Nimses is an extremely flawed project with promising ideas and huge potential of changing the way we use the internet. But whether you choose to take the risk or play it safe, you have to enjoy this final video:
« L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt… pour capter l’énergie du soleil. »
Cette semaine ont commencé des travaux à l’INSAT qui représentent un pas géant vers un avenir plus vert et économiquement viable avec l’installation photovoltaïque de 206 kW : la plus grande de tous les établissements universitaires tunisiens !
Prévue pour entrer en production début décembre 2024, cette initiative, dans le cadre du TEEP (Transition Énergétique dans les Établissements Publics) marque un tournant décisif dans la transition énergétique de l’institut, et plus globalement, pour la Tunisie.
Durant ces dernières années, près des trois quarts du budget annuel de l’INSAT étaient absorbés par le paiement des factures d’électricité. Ce poids financier, loin d’être négligeable, restreignait les possibilités de développement. Mais avec l’entrée en production de cette installation solaire, les choses vont radicalement changer. On espère que l’institut pourra enfin rediriger ces fonds vers des projets à forte valeur ajoutée : développement des infrastructures, amélioration des conditions d’études et d’accueil des étudiants, sans oublier un soutien accru à la recherche et à l’innovation…
Outre l’aspect économique, l’impact environnemental de ce projet est tout aussi significatif. En effet, en réduisant la dépendance aux énergies fossiles, l’INSAT contribuera directement à la réduction des émissions de CO2. Cette installation permettra d’éviter environ 110 tonnes de CO2 par an, soit l’équivalent de planter plus de 4 500 arbres chaque année ! Un chiffre impressionnant qui illustre bien la portée écologique du projet.
Sous la coordination de Mme Afef Ben Abdelghani, cette initiative s’inscrit dans un mouvement global de transition énergétique que la Tunisie ambitionne de mener à bien d’ici 2030. En tant qu’acteur pionnier parmi les établissements universitaires, l’INSAT ne se contente pas de suivre cette tendance : il en devient un modèle à suivre.
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