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Seeker of Fate: Part8

6 ans agoon
The two Immortals finally could stand barely at their feet. Perun was seeing the wound caused by Melvim’s sword. He was bleeding a fleeting steam and his golden skin started slowly getting scraped on its own.
“How come something like that exist?! What is this sword, you damn mongrel!” Shrieked the Thunderer.
“It’s Death Brand. One of two swords that my family did possess during its legacy.” Answered the Prince.
“Stop joking around! How can a mere royal sword damage an Immortal!?” Yelled Perun.
“That’s a secret I could have told you if you agreed to my deal before, hehe, defeat me and consume my own Karma. Perhaps, you will know after that.” Said Melvim.
“You’re mocking me, aren’t you?! I accept your pity provocation and I’ll make sure to chew your strings well!” Said Perun in ire.
“Death is equitable. We will all, one day, be welcomed by his embrace even us, the Immortals. We who are considered as gods in the eyes of the mortals…” Said Melvim as he took a defensive posture.
“That’s blasphemy! Madness! We’re Immortals: We never die and so we never live. We’re beyond these two edges of frailty! Maybe you’re the only one of us going to die because you’re the worst after all!” Said Perun.
Not far from these two, the Huntress opened her eyes. Her injuries did heal but she saw that her mask was broken. When she stared around her, she saw Perun and Melvim prepared to re-engage in combat and the thrown brainless corpse of Persolis. However, she forgot about the two Immortals when her eyes saw that weird scroll appearing from the cadaver.
The Huntress crawled toward the corpse as she was avoiding attracting the attention of the Thunderer and the Prince.
“That must be the last page. If I grab it, I will finally obtain it, the cure that I have waited for!” Thought the Rogue hopefully.
The clash of the sword and the axe made the terrain tremble and sent shivers to her bones. But they were not weary of her, for now. Finally, she reached the corpse and tended to the scroll with a fading smile.
“How dare you try to escape in my presence?” Said Perun as he suddenly teleported behind her after cutting Melvim into two pieces with one decisive blow.
He grasped her from the head like a trapped rabbit and took the scroll.
“I see now…this is why I was disappointed in Persolis. I said it without really knowing why. He learnt some lies from an apostle of the Serpent and this woman too had an interest in such pages. Well, now there’s no reason for me to spare you at all, you poor thing.” Said Perun as he was electrifying the Huntress slowly.
“Your fight isn’t over yet, Perun!” Shouted Melvim as he lunged his sword toward the Thunderer.
“Can’t you give up, Coward Prince? Trying to show bravery in front of mortals?” Said Perun as he blocked his attack.
“As long as I have the ability to resurrect myself, I will keep going.” Said the Prince.
“It seems you have acquired quite the pawns for you to be this persistent this time. I wonder who might be these fools who believed in your call of Fate…” Said Perun as he charged his axe with thunder and blasted the Knight with tremendous force that knocked him away.
“Now, let’s resume what we have been doing. Death Brand gave me incurable damage and I need to restore what I lost. I will begin by taking the Karma of this one and then I will take on the village that bears shamelessly my name.” Added the Thunderer.
The Huntress screamed so hard as Perun started torturing her using his lightning. He was doing that for fun.
“Oh…I think I overdid it. I shall not kill you for I have to add your Fate to my Kingdom too.” Said Perun as he was going finally to rip her head open.
“There…Is this…Ramon?” Said Boran who finally reached the scene.
“What?! How could not I sense the presence of this one?! This is strange…He is already here without me realizing it before it’s late.” Thought Perun as he was surprised of seeing the Sun Knight coming from nowhere.
“And who are you to dare enter my realm?” Said the Storm Warrior proudly.
“I see. So you’re the one my brother tried to commune with.” Said the Sun Knight.
Perun felt as his new adversary humiliated him by not acknowledging his might and so he threw the Huntress away and decided to teach him a lesson.
“You did not answer my question. Who are you? And why did you defile my kingdom?” Stated Perun.
“Hehe…I really don’t know myself. A human? a Wraith or a Wight? Perhaps a Keres or a Lich…but why does it matter for you? I don’t care what you are if I’m going to destroy you anyway. Concern and caring are out of the question here.” Said Boran with great confidence as his great sword started shining with fire.
“What a brave fool we have now , you’ll regret challenging the gods soon enough.” Said Perun.
The Thunderer teleported or rather dashed with insane speed exactly in front of the Sun Knight and seemingly smashed him with his majestic weapon. However, it seemed that he missed him as he was standing few feet near him.
“What? I did not even see him dodging even though I’m the master of lightning?!” Thought Perun shockingly.
“Oh yeah? You ought to not underestimate the mortals, sir Immortal.” Said Boran.
Perun performed a war cry that made the earth tremble and caused everyone around to either retreat or get rolled away by force. The eyes of the Great Warrior became purely golden and lightning engulfed his body. Perhaps, if you try to touch him, you will die instantly by doing so.
“Now, the time of jokes is over.” Said Perun as he raised his axe in the air.
“That’s really bad. Get away from here!!!!” Yelled Boran at the Huntress and Melvim who regenerated himself again.
A Thunderbolt came in from the sky and blasted Perun himself and caused electricity to propagate around him in waves. The Huntress was unable to move as she was affected by the Thunderer’s attempt to consume her. The Prince Melvim summoned his undead horse from his sword and saved her from an inescapable death.
“Ho… I see how you did it. You have awakened the blood of Dazbog within your veins, didn’t you?” Said Perun as he witnessed a furious fire in the form of a bird shadowing the Sun Knight. Moreover, he did shield the corpse of Persolis. “I don’t know why you are still interested in that loser but his fate is already mine.” Added Perun.
“Unless I defeat you.” Responded Boran.
“It seems you’re very wise unlike every mortal here. So you must know that only an Immortal can defeat another one.” Said Perun.
“He’s right. Even though, I’m really strong but in front of an Immortal, I can do nothing.” Thought Boran as he was waiting for Perun’s next move. He knew that he could never begin the offense. Maybe, it was pointless from the beginning.
“You’re not Dazbog himself, so I fear nothing now.”
Boran noticed the scroll attached to Persolis’ corpse and he knew what it was. Suddenly, a bright idea flashed in his mind.
“So you will have fear if a real Immortal is brought to you now?” Asked the Sun Knight.
“Huh? What’re you implying, you mongrel?” Said Perun.
“Well said, Knight of Dazbog.” Said Melvim as he charged from behind without Perun noticing him.
“What?!! I fell for it again!” Screamed Perun as he was pierced entirely by Death Brand.
“This time, the damage would be worse.” Whispered Melvim in his ears.
Perun knocked him away with his elbow and with him the Death Brand. However, a dark magenta color started spreading in his body from the injury location. It was turning his heavenly flesh into a void energy that was barely taking shape.
“You…You bastards!! I… I will eat your souls!! I will do! Agggghhh!” Suffered Perun.
“Yo, armoured Immortal, we have to retreat and form a plan. He’s not done yet.” Said Boran to Melvim.
“Okey. Don’t forget that scroll.” Added the Prince.
“Hehe. It seems you’re having the same idea as mine.” Stated Boran.
The Huntress woke from her unconsciousness. When she observed around her, she saw Lazlo, Boran and Melvim gazing at her. Acina was still sleeping near them.
“Finally, she woke up.” Said Boran.
The Huntress stood up and started stepping further and further away from them.
“Hey, where are you going?! We’re allies, we’re indeed in need of you!” Shouted Boran.
“I don’t know anyone of you. How could you possibly be an ally of mine?” Answered the Huntress while focusing specifically at the very tall Immortal that was stood with them as if he was already someone ordinary.
“At least, you know me.” Said Lazlo.
“Perhaps, this will convince her to listen to us.” Said Melvim as he showed her the scroll of Persolis. Her eyes brightened and she insisted saying: “Give me that now!”
“Look how much greedy you’re! You don’t want to help us but you want to take service from us.” Said Boran.
“That’s none of your business, old man.” Glared the Huntress at him.
“Well, your attitude is rather quite fitting for the true face you have.” Added Boran.
The Huntress stopped her offense and began to touch the left side of her face: it was that bloodthirsty, ugly and demonic side. In fact, she covered it shamelessly while cursing:
“Damn it! Did you all see this?!”
“Yes, all of us. I hope Acina just doesn’t wake up to die by shock from seeing it.” Stated Lazlo.
“We all have terrible secrets and terrible curses. Don’t let it bother you.” Said Melvim.
“What… what do you want from me?” Said the Huntress after lowering her head so no one could see it.
“You have the remaining pages of the Book of the Dead, don’t you?” Asked Melvim.
“How… did you know that?!” Said the Huntress surprisingly.
“It was obvious. You risked your life to obtain it. You must have been tempted by the myth that unlocking the truth behind the Book of the Dead would allow you to bring you whatever you want.” Claimed the Immortal.
“And what do you know? Don’t meddle in my business. Give me that scroll now!” The woman was both mad and anxious.
“The one we all fought is going to recover from the heavy injury I inflicted and soon he will be after us in no time. He’s an Immortal and I’m one too but I stand no chance against him especially with him summoning his full power. But that book of the Dead is capable perhaps of giving us a chance against him.” Explained Melvim.
“Hehe… and do you really think I would give you the remaining pages of the book? Are you an idiot?” Mocked the Huntress.
“Perhaps, if I tell you the truth.” Said Melvim.
A silence crawled in the scene but was interrupted quickly by thunderbolts falling far in the basin of the sand.
“We have no time for that. We need the book of the dead to defeat him or we’ll be all goners!” Begged the Sun Knight.
“I have been searching for the pages for how many years. Do you think I would waste all my efforts for something I already no benefit from? Hehehe…If he’s able to kill me, I will be very grateful for him. If he’s…” Said the Huntress.
“You… You’re also..” Muttered Lazlo.
“I can’t die for some reasons. No matter how I suffer, no matter how I bleed, I will come back again as if nothing happened.” Added the Huntress.
“So you wish to die?” Questioned Boran.
The Huntress did not answer.
“I am sorry. I should not try to use what is rightfully yours. However, let me tell you something. The Book of the Death has no answer ironically for the question of Death itself.” Said Melvim.
Everyone was shocked hearing that especially the Huntress.
“Why do I have to believe you?” She said.
“I’m an Immortal and I know who wrote that book.” He answered.
“And who was it?” Asked Boran curiously.
“It was my uncle.” Answered Melvim.
“Ehh?! Do you have a family?” Said Lazlo.
“I was once human, the son of a proud king from a forgotten age. And I was dragged into this because of that very uncle. But for the good of the world, we’re going to call for him to help us against Perun.” Said Melvim.
“Eh. I think I heard about it… the lost kingdom of Velin.” Said Lazlo.
“It seems you know a lot, Knight of Horis.” Said the Immortal Knight.
“Yes. In fact, it seems that many things make a lot of sense for me right now. The Church, the destruction of Dazbog and Svarog and the curse of Undeath… everything traces back to you, the Immortals.” Stated Lazlo.
“That’s right.” Said Melvim.
“I do know too. My honorable village of Dazbog was destroyed by an Immortal known as the King. And yes, if you think about it, the current King of Crodon, Triglav, had became his pawn. Svarog himself, the Hero of the Sun, tried to defend us but he failed and was defeated.” Said Boran deeply.
“This King, could it be your father, sir?” Asked Lazlo.
“Yes. I’m the Coward Prince of Velin who refused to accept his fate.” Answered Melvim.
“Now, Undead Slayer, would you help us? You don’t like the Thunderer to destroy the waking world, do you?” Said Lazlo.
“Immortal, I want you to ask you something. Is my curse linked to you too? Why am I not like any other Undead, why can’t I die too?” Asked the Huntress.
“You’re an Immortal without knowing it and I guess you have the Fate of The Witch. This is why you won’t die no matter what.” Answered Melvim.
“The Witch? Hmm, it seems there are many of you.” Said Lazlo.
“And we’re all waking up from our slumber to initiate the day of Doom. This is a warning for you all. They’re all going to return to reality soon and with it, the destruction of Mankind.” Said Melvim.
“So… I’m cursed forever, I will not be able to die even if all humans die. Why is Fate so unfair to me… why do I have to keep struggling… I never wanted to do it. I wished if I could have died from the very beginning.” The Huntress was sobbing much to the amazement of everyone around.
The Coward Prince, who was a 3-meter-giant, approached the Huntress who collapsed crying and fell into an endless sorrow. Lazlo and Boran were just mesmerized to see that proud and undead warrior show a lot of emotions like a little child.
“I think this is why the Witch had chosen you: you’re still full of life and hope. You’re crying because you still want, you still have desires. Even if you’re a Vampiric Keres or a Lifeless Lich, you’re preserving your humanity within your bosom. The Witch must be very infatuated with you to choose your heart.” Said Melvim as he kneeled to console her like what a father would do if his daughter was crying.
The Huntress stopped crying suddenly and gave the Immortal a powerful punch in his chest. He, however, was not affected by its force.
“You have no heart beating… and yet you can be sympathetic with the others. If I’m an Immortal, why do I still have a heart? If my heart is the thing that keeps cursing me, then I will gladly get rid of it to become a mindless monstrous husk.” Said the Undead Slayer intensively.
“That’s the perk of the Witch. Of all the Immortals, she’s the only one who still has a heart of her own.” Answered Melvim.
The Coward Prince, the Sun Knight and the Herald Knight stood up as they felt something coming in their way.
“It must be him.” Said Boran.
“The Thunderer, the one we should defeat in order to leave this realm?” Asked Lazlo.
“Yes.” Answered Boran.
“And the first of Immortals to begin the judgement of the living if we don’t stop him right now…” Added Melvim.
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The Dual Nature of Fear: Protector and Parasite

5 mois agoon
10 octobre 2024 [simplicity-save-for-later]
Fear: Friend or Foe?
What if fear isn’t your enemy but your greatest ally? Explore how this powerful emotion secretly shapes your life and might be the key to unlocking your true self.
The Quest for Self-Discovery
As individuals and members of the human race, we should devote our greatest effort to discovering who we truly are. We often arrogantly proclaim to know ourselves better than anyone else, but do we? When we hear the word “fear,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? It likely conjures images of trauma and negative experiences. This amalgamation of letters has gripped many of us, playing a significant role in our existence.
Fear’s Significance and History
“Fear.” This small word may seem insignificant, yet it is full of meaning and history. Most people deeply care about their lives, and this tendency exists thanks to fear, even if many tremble at the mere mention of it.
The Denial of Fear
As humans, we have a tendency to deny what we don’t understand. We often deny our fear. This is understandable; we are naturally drawn to heroic narratives. Everyone loves tales of bravery and fearlessness. We revel in stories of victory and triumph. So, why should we care about fear?
Fear as a Fundamental Human Trait
Fear is a fundamental aspect of our humanity. What kind of brave person denies their true identity, unless we are discussing cowardice? Fear is a powerful emotion; it can speak without uttering a word. While fear may make us seem weak or inferior, it can also affirm our humanity. Fear serves as both a guardian and a ruler, governing our choices and decisions. And believe me, ruling is no easy task, especially in an unstable democracy of emotions and chemicals.
Fear as a Survival Mechanism
When the kingdom is under attack, fear can override reason and logic to ensure survival, even if the perceived danger is illusory. Fear acts as a musician, playing the drumbeats of our lives, its music resonating with the world around us. This vibration takes hold of the souls of all living beings.
Fear’s Role in Time and Perception
When fear takes charge, we feel our existence connect with the universe. We sense our lives intertwining with something vast and complex. Time slows down, transforming into something else entirely, while our perception sharpens, turning our world into a battlefield.
Fear as the Overprotective Mother
Fear can be likened to an overprotective mother, striving to shield her children, yet her protectiveness may hinder their growth and limit their potential. This complex emotion plays dual roles, serving as both protector and sage.
Fear’s Parasitic Nature
This inherited facet of our evolution influences our daily behaviors and shapes our character. At times, it turns into a parasite, draining our energy and hindering our progress. Unlike typical parasites, this inner fire originates from our own being; it can stifle our movement or compel us to act impulsively.
Fear’s Betrayal in Communication
This force can sometimes act disloyally, betraying its creator. For example, when our fear of judgment undermines our ability to communicate clearly, it jeopardizes our goals ,whether making a good impression or articulating a point. Miscommunication often leads to misunderstandings.
The Overwhelming Force of Fear
Viewing the world from this perspective can be enlightening, even if we cannot prove we share the same perceptions. When fear becomes overwhelming, it can manifest as a mentally unstable individual grappling with severe trust issues. This emotion does not easily relinquish control over our destiny or our capacity for change.
Fear’s Relationship with Learning and Future Prediction
Fear compels us to obsess over predicting the future and learning from the past, as it intensely despises pain, especially when repeated. Fear’s aversion to pain fuels our motivation and imagination, enabling us to predict effectively and avoid obstacles. Surprisingly, fear can accelerate the learning process.
Fear’s Role in Human Beliefs
This complex chemical response empowers human beliefs and convictions, adding a unique spark that transforms them into dogma, shaping our behavior. Fear renders beliefs unquestionable; when we deny our beliefs, we deny our identity. All humans have standards, fortified by fear. Without fear, we are nobody. Fear is, in essence, us.
Modern Fears and Illusions
Our fears of change, rejection, the unknown, failure, loneliness, dissatisfaction, and unmet expectations are illusions that have become overly significant in our lives. While desire undeniably influences these fears, they have overshadowed fear’s original purpose: survival and the preservation of our existence.
Mental Survival in the 21st Century
We still engage in the same primitive survival game, but today’s survival is more mental than physical. In the 21st century, we battle internal dangers and threats. The technological and scientific revolution has shifted our struggles from the external world to our minds.
Emptiness and the Human Spirit
Homo sapiens no longer strive to coexist with the external world; our focus has shifted to mental survival. Humanity, with its problem-solving tendencies, may even create challenges just to enjoy overcoming them. While we abhor pain, we also cannot tolerate emptiness.
Fear and the Freedom of Choice
The human spirit is unaccustomed to emptiness and the freedom of choice. We thrive under pressure. Fear, once selected by nature for survival, has become less useful in a world dominated by peace. Our violent nature, no longer expressed physically, threatens either our destruction or our evolution.
The Inner Predators
If violence once protected us from external threats, today’s predators reside within us. Can we protect ourselves from ourselves and our potential actions? This is a question we must explore.
The Future of Fear
We try to envision virtual dangers to validate fear, but how long can this continue? Is it possible that fear will eventually be selected out by nature and become obsolete? If fear’s only remaining role is in competition, isn’t that more closely related to greed, desire, and humanity’s inherent hunger for power and occupation? Can fear survive in the modern world? That is the question.
Written By: Habib Riden
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