Seeker of Fate: Part4

6 ans agoon
“Hahahaha!” The guffaw of Hoda echoed across the cavern. It seemed that she decided to hide for the moment. However, it was late for the Huntress to realize that they were trapped. Undead Tribal Knights were appearing from the closest piles of death, closing any gap for escape. The Huntress knew that defeating them would not be easy this time.
The knights however were not reckless in their approach. They tried to break her guard by attacking one by one. Acina was staying at her side as she was ordered to do. More knights were coming from the mountains of the dead. “There must be someone summoning them endlessly!” Thought the Huntress.
She killed the first, the second, the third… but her strength betrayed her. She did not care. She would never care. What she desired was to vanquish anything that stood in her path. That is the way she does things. It was clear that she was bleeding even though she did not take any blow from her foes. The poison tolled the end of her resistance as it slowly did its job on her body. The nun was extremely afraid as she was crawling on the ground and protecting her head with both arms. She had only one thing to do in such situations: praying.
Suddenly, the appearance of a phantom moving around the tribal knights made her lose her focus. It took the shape of a hooded wanderer wearing sturdy leather and wielding a short sword. The ghost did charm her for some reasons.
It was unfortunate. The Huntress shielded the nun from an attack that nearly hit her. That costed her the outcome of the battle as the axes and the spears of the knights started hammering her frame. Pylyp appeared and ordered the knights to retrieve the maiden. “Rod! Help me! Please help me!!” cried Acina.
The Huntress finally collapsed. She could not move anymore as the poison finally overcame her temporary immunity. “This is bad… It was not enough… I should have drawn more blood…Damn…” regretted the Undead Killer.
“Lady Hoda should have killed you. What will I tell Master Persolis now! Hein?! You killed half of his apostles already!” Bishop Pylyp was kicking her head putted in the dirt.
The two were taken deeper into the cavern, to what looked like an altar. There was a table made of stone and around it a number of pillars with a strange design. Hoda was waiting for them. Her axe was still imbued with fresh blood.
“You are too late, Pylyp. Maybe, I should cut you instead.” Said Hoda.
“My humble apologies, my lady!” Said Pylyp.
“The sacrifices you brought might not be needed but if it’s for the sport, I don’t mind.” Added Hoda.
“Did Lord Persolis depart already?!” said Pylyp with fear in his eyes.
“He’s going to execute the last step for his plan. We’ll just extract the artefact he needs from this filthy nun and we’ll wait for his coming. His conquest shall begin this night.” Said Hoda.
Acina was tied to the altar with iron chains. Hoda then saw that they brought the Huntress too.
She took a glance at her and realized that she was barely clinging to consciousness. “That’s so unfortunate. Maybe the poison will kill you before I finish my job. Hang on, my love. You must wait for me.” Murmured Hoda.
Acina did take a look around her. Dread struck her heart as she saw the heads of her supposed sisters. They were torn into pieces as if they were sheep prepared for a feast. The maiden could not stare anymore and turned her gaze away. Her eyes were bleak and empty. “But… but… I love you, Rod!! I love you!!! Why are you allowing this?!! I love life and I hate death!” Cried Acina.
The Executioner’s axe was raised into the air and empowered with momentum to lay waste on the poor girl. Abruptly, an arrow struck that arm. “Aggh?!” Hoda crunched in pain as she quickly tried to see who did hit her. The knights and Pylyp were in alert as they did not sense or see any intruder. And it was not the Huntress since she was guarded by them.
More arrows came from the shadow behind the several mounds around them. Each arrow pierced the head of a mad knight with precision and might. They did not care at first as it was not that greatly damaging for an “Undead”. However, smoke came from their injuries and all of them started agonizing enormously. Pylyp felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugged in his chest , he ran quickly and got behind the executioner but she pushed him back. “Stay away from me, you rotten scum.” Said Hoda. Her right arm was disabled and so she decided to rely on her sword in the other hand. “A great showdown indeed. Will you give us the honor to see you already?” Said Hoda.
The Tribal Knights fell to the ground, liquid substances leaking from their armors. It was their flesh. “Uhh!! Could it be?! It’s the very same Burning Silver the Church uses?!” Screamed Pylyp. From the shadow, a figure approached.
“What are you doing?! You damn fools! Go finish that damn bastard!” Shouted Hoda. The remaining three knights left the unconscious huntress who was fighting the poison already. “Don’t tell me… It’s one of the Herald Knights…” Stuttered Pylyp.
With winged boots, light but sturdy armor engraved with a symbol of two intertwined serpents and an impressive golden bow, a Herald Knight from Horis was entering the scene. Unusually, he was masked too. The three undead knights reached to him but his arrows finished them before they ever could touch him.
“Royal Executioner Hoda, supposedly a hand of Justice for the kingdom, is allied with the heretics. This can’t be… Or it can be… for such a bloodthirsty monster. You are hexing around and meddling with the faithful of Rod. Unforgivable…” His iron voice castigated the executioner but she was unconcerned.
“Did you come here to judge me? I have no time for that.” Said Hoda.
“He must be the one who escaped from our grasp when we ambushed the Horis’ pilgrims. Never thought he will be brave enough to infiltrate our hideout?!” Said Pylyp.
“And you are Father Pylyp of Perun. Outstanding, you have done well in the service of ROD. I’ll make sure to send you to Hell before Sunrise.” Added the Herlad.
“Shut Up! What can you do to me?! Huh!!! I have both the benefits of the church and of necromancy! You can’t harm me!” Carried on the bishop.
“I could have killed you from the beginning but I just want to make sure that you suffer even further.” Said the Archer.
The Herald drew his arc and aimed at one of them. Pylyp sorted out his Sacred Bell and ringed it, some sprays of feeble light spread around him. The arrow was shot, Hoda dodged away but its focus was towards the bishop who thought that his spiritual barrier would protect him. It just slowed it down but in the end it did strike him.
“Gahah!? Why?! Why did it break through?!” Wept the priest.
“Why, you ask? You should know the answer already. There is no place for those who reject the blessings of Hope. You can’t fool ROD!” Said the Herald.
“This is troublesome. I never thought that I will have to fight from range.” Thought Hoda while she hid behind one pillar. A second and a third arrow struck the heart and the head of Pylyp but he was not finished yet. He could ring his bell again and so he reanimated few corpses of piles. But they were very weak for the herald who killed them quickly. He prepared to launch some more few shots. “You have to pay the price, hexer.” Under the agony, Pylyp lost his sanity and screeched: “You… damn liars… I decided to stop being a fool! We chose to withstand the truth of this world but you deceive people and prolong their suffering for nothing! We’re finished, ev-“ Only one final arrow to the head stopped him as he was already melting.
“Is the fearsome Hoda afraid of facing a lone archer?” Said the Herald. His enemy did not respond. He approached her while taking caution as he knew she was so tricky. The moment Hoda’s helm showed itself from behind the pillar, the Archer instinctively attacked but it was an empty helm. “Crap! That was a decoy!!” realized the Herald. The executioner charged from the other side. She knew that she could close the distance before he would be ready to fire his next arrow. With her crimson hair flowing like fire, her lunatic eyes shined like those of a hungry beast.
She swung her sword but was repelled by his very bow. “What?!” Hoda was surprised. “I’m no coward, I just don’t want to get my hands too dirty.” Said the Herald as he began his counter attack. They exchanged several blows and it was clear that the executioner was at a disadvantage because of her disabled arm and because of his unusual dexterity. In the end, he forced her to get away from him. “You’re done for. Send my regards to Hell.” Said the Herald as he launched his arrow. It penetrated her body from the upper part of her chest. Since his enemy was not an Undead, he made sure to apply enough force to the arrow. The tall executioner collapsed as she was staring at herself bleeding to death.
The Herald then went to check on the nun who was amazed of the battle that happened in front of her eyes. “Than- Thank you! I’m saved!” Said Acina. He did not say anything and was figuring out a way to break her chains. “Are you Sir Lazlo? One of Saint Simon’s Knights ?! This mask! Weren’t you with us during the pilgrimage?! Yes, it must be! I’m so blessed!” Added Acina.
But a big shadow appeared from behind him, it was Hoda going to strike him and he realized that too late. Her sword cut his left arm as he was trying to avoid her. “Aaag! This… monster… How could I not sense her?! … She did not breathe…until now. This is why I thought that she died already. I wonder how much terror would she bring if she chose to become Undead!?” Muttered Lazlo. “But I guess this is where you stop.” He said that indifferently as the executioner could not finish him off. A scythe was gripping at her neck. It was the huntress.
“The invincible Hoda is finally defeated. Regrettably, I wished to have more fun. Or at least I did, unlike you two.” Even at such a situation, she pissed both of them, the Herald and the Huntress.
“A Monster like yourself has no right to judge the faithful!” Said Lazlo.
“Uhh…I’m not judging… I’m stating facts. I never saw Light since my birth. But you two knew it but lost it at some point and now you are clearly trying to retrieve it, find it, touch it. For me, only killing and slicing people made me reach this far. I can’t lie. I did enjoy every bit of it. And even now, I’m so excited from seeing myself die like the rotten souls I tortured. Hehehehe.” Said Hoda. “…Like if they ever deserved to live anyway. They were rotten as rats’ filth. Their hearts, their brains, their guts and their flesh told me about them. How they would do anything to exist even plunging themselves into squalor… Hahaha!!” Added the mad woman.
“I have one question for you. Why did you join the Dead Apostles?” Said the Huntress.
“You’re still desperate to prove your morals, aren’t ya?! Haha… I’m working for them since they allowed me to further my passion. I have nothing to do with your useless conflict of Hope and Doom. I just want to kill more people, is there something wrong with that?” Said the executioner.
“You had great insight but a terrible heart. Lone soul, you must be freed.” Mumbled the rogue.
These words mesmerized everyone around but it was not long enough for the executioner as she was beheaded. The Herald breathed out of relief and stood up while the Huntress fell to her knees again. She barely did it.
Lazlo drank a potion and then picked up his cut arm. It fused again with his body. When he looked up, he saw the eyes of the Huntress fixated at him with a terrifying ire. It was not different from him too, he sent her a gaze of wrath too. Acina noticed that and tried to conciliate them: “ Hey… you two… why are you like that?! Aren’t you two warriors of the Church?!”
“You mistook her pagan mask for the Angelic church’s? You’re a lost cause, Acina.” Said the Herald. “But I guess she’s at her limit now.” Added Lazlo. He took a specific antidote and threw it at the huntress. “Drink it.” He said to her. However, she doubted his intent.
“That’s an antidote. It will cure you instantly from the Burning Silver.” Added Lazlo.
After hesitation, she consumed the potion. Her terrible weakness went away and she started restoring her former power. A necromantic aura flowed around her and her eyes glowed in a brilliant jade color. “I hope that I did not do the wrong thing.” Said Lazlo as he sensed an insane threat from her. But she did not attack them, she was searching for her stolen blade and the book of the dead.
“They must not be that far. I’m sensing them.” Thought the Huntress. Eventually, she found them somewhere further at the end of the pit. But before her stood a giant old gate engraved with strange symbols. It depicted a battle between a three headed serpent coming from the womb of earth and a three headed eagle bolstered with thunder and descending from the sky.
“You’re an Undead with your sanity, unlike the others, aren’t you?” It was Lazlo joining the Huntress alongside the nun.
“And what about you? Even though your scent is so different from what I know but it reeks of curses too. I really want to kill you.” Said the Huntress.
“No, don’t do that please. Don’t forget that I gave you the antidote.” Said the Herald.
“Then you must have taken a wrong turn to talk to me. Be gone.” Stated the Huntress.
“It’s my line. Heed my words. If you’re fool enough to play the champion, then only blame yourselves when you become consumed by the terrible nightmare this kingdom is hiding. I warned you.” Said Lazlo.
“A nightmare? As if my life isn’t one already.” Said the huntress.
The Rogue was examining the gate.
“This gate might be a bad omen really. Who knows what’s hiding behind it?” Said Lazlo.
“It might lead me to where Persolis went. Step aside.” Said the Undead Killer. She charged her weapon with energy and tried to destroy the gate, however, a mystic aura repelled her strike and did kick her away.
“Uhh!!… Now, this? Not even my power can open it. Damn!” Said the Huntress.
“It’s a bad idea to try and open it. I did overhear these heretics and I think you need a key which is in the possession of Persolis. Only he can open this gate.” Said Lazlo.
“Aren’t you gone already? Why are you staying here? You want yourself to get killed?” Warned the Huntress.
“We also have a business with Persolis. The intel about him was true. He is planning something big against the kingdom and against the church.” Said the Herald.
“I’m the one who must kill him. I will not allow anyone to lie any finger on him expect myself.” Responded the huntress angrily. But her anger became alert and shock. She sensed something awful coming deep from the underground.
“This… this is really bad.” Said the Huntress. She decided to leave the place.
“Hey!!! Why are you leaving suddenly?!” Asked Lazlo.
The worn out walls started crumbling and dust and rocks began to fall. It was an earthquake.
“I see now!” Said Lazlo.
A giant boulder was near from crushing the maiden if it wasn’t for her guardian.
“Run for it, Acina!” Shouted Lazlo as he pushed her away from danger.
“Knight Lazlo!” Cried Acina as she witnessed Lazlo being trapped because of the big rock. Besides, the mysterious gate fell apart, revealing a gaping expanse of darkness.
The cavern collapsed into itself and the castle was destroyed too. Terrific rifts that had no end and no bottom appeared in the surface as the forest drifted and slipped in and out. It was a horrific catastrophy that mutated the woodland tremendously.
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A student of Computer Science Engineering from ENICAR. He stumbled upon an epiphany, very suddenly and quite by accident. Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, looking to the sky and searching for heavens...but might the truth be very near us, only just within ourselves?

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Seeker of Fate: Part10, the last

6 ans agoon
4 février 2019 [simplicity-save-for-later]
After the blackness of a rainy night, the golden star rose on the horizon, spreading her radiance in every direction.
She was sleeping soundly and calmly like a little child beneath a tree. This time, her ugly face half was no more. It returned to what it was once. Now, she was no different than a charming young princess with silver grey hair. The warmth coming from the sun actually did surprise her and made her wake up abruptly.
“Ehh.. It’s the sun. But this is… strange. Why am I not affected by it? And… why is my head not hurting me anymore when I’m without the mask covering my accursed face?” She touched her face to see that it was smooth and silky. “This can’t be?!” She shouted surprisingly. Besides, she saw the giant headless corpse of Perun evaporating into nothingness. That void purplish dark substance that reeked from his body was instantly disappearing under the rays of sunlight.
“I can’t remember a thing after that Immortal Prince beheaded Perun. Where did he go?” Spoke the Huntress to herself.
Under the mist that swirled thicker than the threads of silk, the Huntress stepped on. She was feeling strangely as if her sensations had returned to her. Before, she would never feel warmth or cold. Now, she was sensing every kind of refreshment and emotion.
She saw Melvim in a lesser human-sized form, tending to what was once the mighty dragon of Veles that fused together with Boran to fight Perun not so long ago.
“We were waiting for you.” Said the prince after sensing her coming.
The Huntress was however more concerned by the state of the dragon who lost most of his body as it turned all into glowing mist that was dancing around them and only its main serpentine head remained.
A familiar voice spoke from the colossus head:
“I see you have restored some of your humanity.”
“Ehh? What?” The Huntress was surprised hearing that. Humanity? She never felt related to this word at all since decades.
“That’s to be expected from the chosen of the Witch. Each Immortal had its own perk and without a doubt you were blessed by the best of them, Undead Slayer.” Said Melvim.
“But… Who is this dragon exactly? Isn’t he a mindless beast of that Immortal Veles?” She wondered.
“ Oh, that’s rude of you! I’m so sad! You did not know me yet?! I’m Boran!” Yelled miserably that voice coming from within the skull of the dragon that lost its flesh already.
“That Sun Knight?! Oh, so you were able to control the beast from within. This… this is insane! You must be a very powerful necromancer to able to do such a feat. I can’t imagine that you escaped my mystic vision without being far stronger than me.” Boasted the Huntress.
“It might not be the case. It’s far more complicated than that.” Said Melvim.
“Now, Huntress, since I will be parting soon, I have to tell you my little story.” A jade emerald spirit emerged from the skull and it was indeed the manifestation of the Sun Knight Boran.
“I’m not a necromancer, an undead, a lich or an Immortal or anything else. I’m just a ghost, a phantom who had very specific circumstances that allowed it to materialize efficiently and gain an enormous consciousness that was not supposed to be held by a phantom.” Said Boran.
The Huntress was extremely shocked after hearing that and said:
“But I should have known that!? How could you ?!”
The Spirit answered:
“As I said, I had very special circumstances. It was a miracle that I was able to carry the will and the memories of the person I embodied. He was the brother of Persolis the noble who was trying to summon Perun. The two were among the very few survivors of Dazbog that was destroyed by King Triglav and his Immortal; as you can see, it became a tale of revenge. They fostered hopes of reviving the legacy of the Bringer of Culture, Dazbog, by reforming the tribe and turning it into a kingdom of its own at the expense of the current kingdom of Crodon.”
“Raymon became acquainted with the Mad Wizard Elymas and learnt all forms of dark sorceries and necromancies as well as his white magic that was used by him to hide his true nature. Boran frowned upon the new path his brother chose and decided to abandon him. He believed that restoring the tribe must be through just and honorable ways and so he left his brother thinking that he did succumb to temptation and corruption. Eventually, he died alone and in a horrible way and in his last hour, he wished if he could have done better in life; If he did not abandon his brother and if he did not give up his hope; maybe it would have been different… He then had one final desire: to free his brother from the darkness that engulfed his heart.”
“ Thus I was born; this nameless phantom that haunted the night. I was like all my siblings; a mindless being of the night created from the pain and the blood of those who died in the most miserable ways. The dying wishes of Boran became my very essence and I used them to exist until now. Phantoms don’t last for long but I was able to do all thanks to Boran’s heart.”
Melvim was lowering his head while the Huntress was speechless.
“I expect the real Boran to be so glad right now. Not only we freed him from his terrible curse but we put his sense back into his mind in the last moments of his life. If you did not notice, I never expected Death Brand to be able to weaken the Thunderer that much. It was without a doubt a weapon capable of harming the Immortals but I’m not the true master of the blade and so its potential was not revealed at all. It was Persolis who weakened the Thunderer from within and because of that he fell. Perun was wondering for the whole time why he was falling apart with every passing second and it was too late for him to realize that the “fate” he consumed was the one who destroyed his own.” Explained Melvim.
“Unbelievable.” Said the Huntress while being thundertruck.
“I wanted to thank you, kind huntress. You might not look like it but you have a heart of gold. Preserve it and keep living until the last breath. Make sure that your death won’t go in vain and that it will be so meaningful. Do whatever must be done and fulfill what you believe in. Give it all of what you got. Die for it.” Said Boran’s phantom.
“Yes, I will do.” Answered the Huntress.
“Now, back to you, Mr Immortal, I hope that you succeed in your journey. Without a doubt, you’re going to save the kingdom. Even though I’m no soul, I will be praying that you reach the end of your journey, fulfilled.” Added the ghost.
“Thank you, honorable ghost. It has been an honor fighting by your side.” Said Melvim.
“Perhaps it’s the time for me to leave. I must say that it has been fun. I never expected it to end in a cool way. I… I thought there were never happy endings to begin with but the two of you proved me wrong hehehehe. Ahh…my energy is fading… I have one last wish; don’t forget Boran and his brother no matter what. Please hold their memories within your heart… I beg of you, honorable souls!” the ghost was sobbing as he faded into inexistence.
It disappeared. No reaction was coming from the Immortal or the Huntress at first but then… the woman kneeled to the ground and one tear appeared from her left eye.
“Is this what they call sadness?” She said.
The Huntress was trying to suppress her tears but she failed to do. So she cried at her utmost.
After a moment, the Huntress was seen lying down at a tree gazing at the clear blue sky.
“Winter is over.” Said Melvim as he approached the Huntress.
“Why are you still here? Do you still have business with me?” She said.
“Yes, maybe. What are you going to do from now on? You saw by yourself the fallacy of the legend about the book of the dead and every other necromantic book out there.” Asked Melvim.
“ I have nothing in mind really.” Said the Huntress.
“Ah before I tell you about an offer, may I have my pawn’s head back?” Said Melvim.
“Your pawn’s what?! What are you talking about?” Said the Huntress with mockery.
“You ripped off his head two days ago because you thought he was an Undead while he was just a pawn of a failure like myself.” Said Melvim.
“Don’t tell me… it’s that young blacksmith?! But what if I return the skull; he must be dead already.” She said.
“Not yet. If we waste any more time, that might be the case. Just give the skull already.” He said.
“And what if I don’t, geez, the boy will die and I will have to search for another pawn after the great time I spent with him.” Said Melvim.
“So you want me to help complete your own agenda. Aren’t you a bit selfish? You warned us about the threat of the Immortals and how they want to destroy humanity and yet who knows what plan you have.” Said the rogue coldly.
“It’s all for the sake of Mankind.” Said Melvim.
“But you’re using an innocent human. Isn’t it too much?” She said.
“I know. But I had no other choice. I barely found a new candidate after fifty years and I don’t want to waste one more set of fifty years searching again.” Melvim’s speech became more frustrated.
“I won’t give it. It’s a fine material to make a new weapon for my needs, unless you have the money for it.” She said.
“Then how about a duel?” He said.
The Huntress stood up as she was surprised by his proposition.
“I never thought you were brave enough to propose that. Fine then, the one who gets disarmed loses. Magic or Mystery is prohibited.”
“It’s a deal.”
The Huntress was confident from winning because of the revelations she got. She was blessed by the power of a benevolent Immortal, the Witch. She was able to make a choice and so to decide her fate on her own.
Melvim was calm however wielding his Death Brand. “She’s absolutely a weapon master. Her poise and her grace are almost without a match. It’s of course because of the one who told her how to fight in the first place…” Thought the Immortal.
The duel ended in one strike. The Knight was capable of winning with just one move that seemed so familiar to her. It consisted of deflecting her weapon and countering simultaneously. In fact, It was a prof of swordsmanship.
“You…” She muttered, “how do you know that move?”
“What did bother you about losing to such one technique?” He answered.
“Did you know someone by the name of Scirvir?” She asked.
The Immortal was silent for a moment but then replied:
“I knew you were going to bring up that name.” Answered the knight.
“Then you know him!” She shouted.
“Yes. He was after all my previous pawn.” He said.
The Huntress became suddenly mad and thrusted the Immortal using her glaive with a blinding speed.
“I see now… I see why I did suffer back then… it was because of you.” Uttered the Huntress angrily.
“Guhh… remember that this is not my real body. If you’re going to finish me off for real, you have to find my own tomb. But aside from that, it was Scirvir who accepted to be my pawn. He was truly the kind teacher you knew. And because of him, I knew a lot about you and I discovered that you were chosen by the Witch. So forgive me.” Apologized Melvim.
The woman released him from her grip and summoned her magical bag that she used to stock her “treasures”. She took out the skull of Zoran and threw it at the knight.
“Take it and be gone from my sight.” She said.
“Thank You. Now Zoran can truly resume his true journey. I still have one last request.” He said kindly.
“You still have the stomach to annoy me, coward prince?” She replied.
“Will you be the teacher of Zoran? No matter how I try to approach him, he refuses my assistance. He’s unaware of his new duty toward himself and toward the world. Would you be his guide?” Asked the prince.
“And why would I accept your request?!” Yelled the Huntress nervously.
“You are not going to do it not for my own sake but for the sake of the world. Zoran is supposed to be the Ultimate Hero that will restore the legacy of the three and repel the ancient evil that doomed my kingdom long ago. There’s only one fate missing, the Sun Hero Dazbog. For now, we acquired the fate of the Thunderer with your help and long ago we obtained that of Svarog the Forge Hero. As it appears to you, the Fate of the Witch is intertwined with that of the Ultimate Hero.” Answered Melvim.
“So you’re saying that I must help you because it is a part of my fate! Quit this blasphemy! I did not choose to do that and I’m the only one who has to decide on her own what to do with her own destiny!” Yelled the Huntress.
“You surely have a golden heart, Frida. I’m sure it will never allow you to abandon this world.” Replied the headless knight.
The End.
Thank you for everyone who gave this story a chance. I hope you have enjoyed it!
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