Today, the 25th of November was held the press conference to officially announce the beginning of the 7th edition of Aeroday; which will be on the April 29th 2018 in Insat.

Due to the increasing popularity of the event, the audience was eager to know more about the specificities of this edition. Ahmed Lazibi, president of the Aerobotix’s Club, was the first to take the stand, giving the audience a little overview about the history of the club. He also spoke about the importance of companies in turning ideas into reality. He finished his speech off by talking about the debut of two new competitions. First, The Gaming challenge which consists of creating a video game in just 24 hours. Second, the Helli Battle, which has a very interesting and innovative concept. For more information on this, their website can be very helpful.
Afterwards, Nada ben Hariz, president of Aeroday’s
Commitee, announced the official date of the launch, which was met with a round of applause, highlighting the fact that Aeroday was the only event in Tunisia focusing on aeronautics. She mentioned the importance of aeronautics nowadays in the field of scientifical development to announce after that the theme of the 7th Edition: AeroScience. And since the team of Aeroday always seeks originality and improvement, this edition , as Ms Ben Hariz said will feature a comeback of AirShow and as well as AeroDay ambassadors to further promote it on both national and international scales.
Next came the Vice-President Wiem Monastiri, who talked about this event as a way to make aeronautics accessible for all. Insisting that passion should be the only necessary criteria. Then, she talked about the opportunity offered for the participants and visitors to meet experts, researchers, ministers and a lot more, mentioning the collaboration with MakerLab in this edition for the workshop axis.
Afterwards came the topic of the expositions presented by its manager Oumaima Krifa. The event will be held in the morning at Insat’s main hall along with the aerospacial expositions. It will be divided into types as explained by Ms Krifa: the first one will be open for amateurs, professionals clubs or organizations wishing to present their ideas. The second one will be a competition based on specific themes. This year’s will be the aerial security revolving around technologies, programs or applications seeking comfort and security for travelers. Projects will be viewed by a professional jury who will choose the winner. The ceremony will be held in the afternoon in Insat’s Auditorium.
Aerochallenge is also included in this year’s edition as Fedi Dadi, the technical manager said. The event consists in driving a quad helicopter. This competition will take place in the afternoon in the auditorium of Insat, another one is Hellibattle in its second edition, which has two opposing teams use radio-commended helicopters to compete in accomplishing a precise mission. The third one is AEROmodelism, which consists in creating a scale model to present in front of a professional jury. Participants will be asked to make their models fly during the fly test step. This event is open for amateurs and professionals alike. For further information you can check out their website.é.html#HelliBattle
Then, Rayen Ben Sassi came to talk about this year’s Edition of CAOchallenge, a first in Tunisia. The event which lasts 24 hours and consists in the conception of an aeronautic model based on the topic which will be revealed on the April 27th. The topic of this year will be suggested by Avionav, the new partner of this challenge.

And last but not least, for the future entrepreneurs out there, the AeroEnrepreneurs is back! As its manager Mohammed Ali Nammouchi announced. To participate, those interested need to fill the form found in the website. A pre-selection based on the originality and pertinence of the ideas will be proceeded. The selected projects will be presented front of a professional jury of the entrepreneurial sector and of course the most brilliant project will receive a prize.
Another event making its comeback is the AirShow managed by Wafa Bounaouara. First debuted in the 4th Edition, it will be held outside Insat several days before Aeroday. It will be an event for amateurs and professionals to show off their skills in driving. More information regarding this can be found on their website.
The came Ali Hamouda’s turn to explain that cooraporating with foreign companies and attracting foreign students will be his goal as the ambassador of Aeroday.
We can’t forget the media manager Atef Zarrami’s in
tervention to thank Aerobotix’ media partners (Tunivisions, ISG’s Radio Club, Insat press and IHEC’s photography club) for their contributions, and highlight the importance of media coverage in giving the event the popularity it has today.
To conclude, the Insat Press Team encourages all amateurs and professional to take part in this incredible experience.
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