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À vos plumes

انت العنوان





كما تنثني النبيلات للملكة لك تنثني الملوك الكرام
و لو لم تسجد ليوسف الكواكب لطافت حولك الاجرام
دعي عني الشعر و الشعراء فعيانك قالت ابلغ كلام
وحدك احتليت قلعة قلبي و نكستي كل الاعلام
أضرمت نيران العشق على ارضه ثم انبعث من السخام
كطائر الفينيق اتعبته الدنيا عجزت جروحه عن الالتئام
منحته الحب و الحنان و العطف منحته الراحة و السلام
يا روحا طاهرة و حضنا دافىء في منبر صدري انت الامام
ان كان سحر المرأة في الزينة و الحلي كفاك انت الابتسام
صوت عذب جش في الاعماق احلى من كل الانغام
لو كان بحر حبك حبرا لجفت على اوراق الثرى الاقلام
زرعتك في حديقة قلبي وردة خالدة فاتنة تزهر مهما مرت الايام

بقلم سيف الدين السويسي

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À vos plumes

Blowin’ in the wind






I was listening to an old song by Bob Dylan. 

I didn’t really care about the lyrics, I was just lost in the melodies. Until a moment paused as one line seized me: 

How many years can some people exist

Before they’re allowed to be free? 

Yes, how many times can a man turn his head 

Pretending he just doesn’t see? 

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind

The answer is blowin’ in the wind

the ancient song whispered truths of the present so profoundly that disbelief intertwined with wonder.

Is this song really from 1963?

Let’s go through this line by line. 

How many years can some people exist before they are allowed to be free ?:

This haunting refrain resonates through ages, a bitter reminder of the disgusting Bigotry that plagues our world, from the shackles of slavery to today’s events in Gaza, The journey towards liberation was never easy. Yet, the human spirit endures, and will always endure.

How many times can a man turn his head, pretending he just doesn’t see?:

I was most deeply hurt by this particular line. For too long, humanity looked away from the suffering of others, thinking that being neutral is the best possible position. But in reality, a man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right.

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind:

This is a testament to the ephemeral nature of truth and the ever-changing currents of destiny. 

This song left me speechless. 

And it reminded me of our identity as Tunisians, reminded me of words that were carved  in our hearts so that we never forget, but we seem to always forget:

إِذا الشَّعْبُ يوماً أرادَ الحياةَ

فلا بُدَّ أنْ يَسْتَجيبَ القدرْ

ولا بُدَّ للَّيْلِ أنْ ينجلي

ولا بُدَّ للقيدِ أن يَنْكَسِرْ


Written by: « Al Fari9 Pro Max »

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