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شنوة صار ؟ : التحرش

elloumi mahdi




تنبيه : هذا المقال خطير علي أحباء البحري الجلاصي و ذوي الغرائز القوية و قد يسبب ألما حادا في أماكن حساسة للبعض

….الجمعة هاذي في شنوة صار باش نحكيو على ظاهرة خايبة برشة و متفشية بشكل غريب و بدينا نتعلمو نحكيو عليها في المدة الأخيرة

لا موش على مريم بن مولاهم .. اليوم باش نحكيو على التحرش بأنواعو .. شكون ما سمعش نهار بطفلة اغتصبوها والا تحرشو بيها في مترو والا كار و الحالات هاذي زادت هالأيامات و في وقت اللي الغرب الكافر عاملين حملات يشجعو فيها النساء باش يحكيو و يشكيو بالمتحرشين؛ كيما قضية هارفي واينستين واحد من اكبر المنتجين السينمائين و الي تفرش بالطول و العرض جرّت تحرشو بالممثلات ؛ نسبة من فحولة تونس موش مقصرين ينبرو عالعباد اللي يعملو في الحملات ضد التحرش و يبرروا الشيء هذا بمنطق المرا لازم تستر روحها و كان جات بنت عايلة ما يقربلها حد و هاكا الرويق الكل اللي يخلينا نحسو رواحنا عايشين في غابة الأمازون و هوني لسائل أن يسأل يا معشر الفرارات ؟ هل تقبل تستر انتي روحك و ما تلبسش اللي تحب و ما تخرجش وين ما تحب باش ما تقلقش الغرائز الحيوانية للبعض ؟ وشبي سيادتك كي تعمل فواياج لبرا تبدا شايخ و شادد تركينتك و تحترم و تقدر؟

الجواب للسؤال هذا يرجع لأنو البعض عندهم عقدة جنسية كبيرة في بلادنا حتى في لغتنا العامية عندنا بارشا احتقار للمرا وتجسيد عنتري للراجل و هاذي حاجة متوقعة في مجتمع مكبوت .. و القضية النسائية في تونس صارت دومان متاجرة بامتياز .. فكل حزب يقلك أنا زميمكم في دعم حقوق المرأة و يبداو عاد جماعة يرحمك يا بوغقيبة ححرت المرا و نساء بلادي نساء و نصف و يحسسونا انّا عايشين في سويسرا و الواقع بعيد كل البعد

نرجعو لقضية التحرش، فبعيدا على القوانين و التشريعات اللي تضمن حق الضحية الواقع و المجتمع يفرض عليها ضغط كبير يخليها تخاف مما يسمى الفضيحة و لا تشكي و لا شيء بل أكثر من هكا ساعات المغتصب بيدو هو اللي يمارس الابتزاز و العباد يوليو يختلقو في الحكايات من قبيل هي اللي خلات روحها و تتبلى عليه الخ الخ ..و هوني يتفننو أصدقاء البحري الجلاصي كي تحاول تناقشهم و يجبدو الدين و العادات و العيب و الحرام و يسألوك هاكا السؤال التاريخي تقبل انتي اختك تخرج هكا ؟ و هكا توحل و تنسحب مالموضوع

و للي يشوفو في كلامي بارشا تهويل نقلكم انو في بلادنا كل يوم 3 حالات اغتصاب و تقريبا يتم التبليغ على حالة واحدة مالحالات هاذي .. و اذا كان ماركس قال يا عمال العالم اتحدوا لازمنا نقولو يا نساء العالم اتحدوا و فيقوا و طالبو بحقوقكم يزيونا ما كذبنا على رواحنا وقيت كل مرا تتعلم تحكي و تدافع و تعيش كيما تحب

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Harnessing Desire for Good: A New Mode of Success






After the scientific revolution and the technological advancements our society has accomplished, we find ourselves no longer living in a world characterized by meaningful interactions between people. Individuality is overtaking collectivity, leading to a diminished connection with nature. Our perception has shifted;, we now inhabit an abstract reality where time passes around us faster than we can grasp. Immersed in a virtual world, we exist within capitalistic societies that reward individuality over teamwork.

In this environment, we are in constant competition to prove our status and existence, forgetting that what distinguishes us as humans is our capacity to establish powerful bonds and cooperate with one another. Over the years, we have collaborated extensively, crafting beliefs and social constructs to govern us. Yet we have lost sight of the fact that we are the creators of our circumstances. Instead, we now live in a world where our creations control us.

This realization prompts me to propose a new model of society one that fosters closer connections among individuals, reestablishes our bonds, and encourages cooperation based on virtue rather than mere productivity or individual credit.

A New Framework for Competition

Human beings are driven by desires. We crave recognition, respect, and influence. These tendencies, often seen as inherently selfish, are not inherently destructive. Instead of suppressing these natural inclinations, we can channel them toward ethical ends. Rather than competing for wealth or dominance, imagine a society where the competition is about who can be the most virtuous, the most generous, or the most decent.

This may sound utopian an impossible ideal but competition itself is not inherently harmful. It’s the framework in which we compete that determines its outcome. Currently, success is measured by material wealth, productivity, and individual achievement, fostering a kind of greed that benefits the few at the expense of the many. What if we reframed success as an ethical contribution?

The Greed for Good

We cannot deny our inherent desires, but we can redirect them. Greed, often considered an ugly and destructive force, can be redefined. Imagine a culture where the only greed is the greed for ethical stature, where people strive to “outdo” one another in acts of kindness, generosity, and moral courage.

To establish this new mode of competition, society could implement initiatives that celebrate ethical behavior. For instance, community awards could recognize individuals for acts of kindness, while social media platforms could highlight stories of altruism. Schools might incorporate values of cooperation and service into their curricula, promoting ethical behavior as a hallmark of success.

This shift in perspective would reorient society’s priorities. Instead of being applauded for accumulating wealth, individuals would gain respect, influence, and power by how much good they bring to others. Social status would no longer be tied to productivity but to ethical achievement. People would “flex” not their possessions or titles, but their ability to uplift those around them. Generosity would become a currency, and decency a form of social capital.

Fear: A Fragile Foundation

Currently, fear governs much of human behavior. It is a powerful emotion capable of enforcing order and obedience. Societies have long relied on fear of punishment, failure, and exclusion to maintain control. However, fear, while effective in the short term, is not a sustainable foundation for any lasting system. People cannot prosper under constant fear, nor can they be fully controlled by it forever.

The desire for something more freedom, happiness, fulfillment will inevitably rise to the surface. History is replete with examples of fear-based regimes collapsing, such as the fall of the Soviet Union, where repressive control gave way to a collective desire for freedom. Similarly, the Arab Spring demonstrated how citizens could rise against authoritarianism, driven by a shared hope for a better future.

The real catalyst for change is not fear, but hope a collective hope that life can be better, freer, and more just. While fear might maintain order, it does not inspire progress.

Redirecting Society’s Values

To build a future society that endures, we must pivot away from fear and toward an ethic of collective good. This requires a profound shift in values a recalibration of what we see as “success.” Rather than celebrating individual achievement and economic productivity, we could celebrate ethical leadership, community building, and acts of generosity.

In this new society, the desire to be the “best” would not disappear, it would simply be redirected toward uplifting others. This transformation will not happen overnight, but through small, collective efforts, we can foster a culture where ethical behavior is recognized and celebrated.

Toward a New Ethical Paradigm

By harnessing our natural desires for good, we can create a society that values connection and cooperation over competition and individualism. Together, we can redefine success and build a more compassionate and ethical world.

Written By: Habib Riden

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