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Après le lancement de leur premier missile, ils sont très fiers de lancer leur deuxième. Le club SUP`COM JUNIOR ENTREPRISE est fier de vous annoncer le retour de leur évènement tant attendu : « CODE IN THE DARK », dans une 2ème édition toute aussi époustouflante!

L’évènement aura lieu le 21 Janvier 2023 au Golden Events – Lac, à partir de 13h! Bien évidemment, après la 1ère édition qui a pris une grande ampleur et qui a rencontré un franc succès, la SJE, incitant toujours au progrès, à l’efficacité et surtout à la perfection, vous promet cette année une édition plus challengeante et plus extraordinaire. Si vous êtes doués par le développement web ou vous cherchez le défoulement et l’émancipation, « CODE IN THE DARK » les réunit tous! C’est l’occasion ou jamais pour les passionnés de la programmation et du développement de dévoiler leurs talents dans une ambiance euphorique et surtout festive, où se combinent la danse et la musique, pour donner une sorte de catharsis.

Alors quel est le concept de cette compétition ?

“CODE IN THE DARK” est une compétition de développement Web (HTML, CSS), originaire de Tictail , où chaque participant concourt pour mettre en œuvre un design d’un site Web à partir d’une seule capture d’écran. Le hic, c’est qu’aucun aperçu des résultats n’est autorisé lors de la mise en œuvre et qu’aucun outil de mesure ne peut être utilisé. La compétition est une combinaison de 10 tours de 10 minutes. Chaque tour est composé de 10 compétiteurs. Et pour clôturer il y aura le fameux tour final composé de la crème des crèmes, les meilleurs sélectionnés tout au long de la compétition. Bien entendu, pour garantir un environnement zen aux Junior entrepreneurs, nous n’oublierons pas l’ambiance vibrante et conviviale qui garantira la joie et à l’allégresse.

Et si le domaine du développement ne m’intéresse pas?

Aucun problème! Nous avons programmé des mini-challenges et des compétitions comme le ping-pong, le billard, un challenge en photographie, et plus encore ! En effet, les surprises de la SJE ne finissent pas. En plus de tout ce qui précède, elle vous gâte encore avec des cadeaux variés d’une grande valeur, et ce, pour récompenser vos efforts.

Alors, n’hésitez pas à les adhérer, amenez vos proches, invitez vos amis et rejoignez-les le jour de la compétition, au sein d’une ambiance exaltante, détendue et mémorable ! Afin de vous inscrire à l’évènement, veuillez suivre ce lien :


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Ghosts in the Mirror






Deep down the mysterious continent of Asia, laden with centuries upon centuries of legends and stories to tell, lies the land of a thousand dynasties, China. The people of this land are known most for their vast seas of wisdom and spirituality. Their eyes look through the physical and value beauty on the purity of the soul and the mind, as we are going to see in the tears falling from the eyes of Zhong Kui, the King of Ghosts.

Bright minds are the spark of civilization yet no mind can shine brighter than Zhong Kui’s:

The hero of this story was a true genius, had the highest grades in his class, was the favorite of all his teachers, and was the teacher of all his classmates. A man of such talents deserves no less than the highest of honors and positions, and so was his thinking. Zhong Kui chose to apply for the imperial examination, to become an advisor of the king and do his part in the rising of his empire.

People in the imperial palace were astonished by Zhong’s brilliant answers and immediately invited him to assume his new position. The emperor, a pretentious man, all too pompous for the common folk was the type of man that wishes everything to be perfect and all too beautiful. He sat on his golden throne wearing the finest of his silk robes and a crown made of pure jade was resting on his head, waiting for our hero’s presence.

Zhong Kui finally arrived at the doors of the palace and presented himself to the guards who allowed his immediate entry. He could not be happier, but all of his joy sunk to the depths of the earth when he entered the emperor’s courtroom. The king gave the highest shriek when helaid his eyes on Zhong. He felt pure disgust as he looked upon our genius’ misshapen eyes and overgrown ears. He almost puked as he looked at our prodigy’s ragged clothes and dirty hair, and immediately expelled him from the palace vowing to never let something so horrendous sit on his imperial tables.

Zhong Kui wept his eyes dry as he left the presence of the emperor and walked with what he thought was shame until he reached the huge metal doors of the palace. Before leaving, he looked at his reflection on those doors and felt so much anger for the world that birthed him in such a fashion, and with so much rage and sadness building in his heart, he struck his head on the door, once, twice, and thrice, until his blood splattered all over it, and he kept beating on his brow until he fell on the ground dead, another victim of suicide.

Fortunately, his story does not end with his untimely death. As his soul traveled to the underground, it caught the eye of the King of Hell and fascinated by its purity, and sensing the talents of the new arrival. He knew that Zhong Kui was way too special to waste.

He honored him with a greater title than he could ever wish for in the emperor’s palace. He named him King of Ghosts and Hunter of Demons. Zhong was delighted and vowed to do right by his new duty, protecting all humans, including the emperor that caused him nothing but depression.

With plenty to take from between the lines of this tale, we can start with the fact that words are as sharp as swords and they can shred a soul to bits leaving a person broken, never to be repaired. There is no ugly, or hideous, there is only different. 

There are no two humans on this earth that look alike and that’s what makes being human beautiful. It’s okay to have features unlike those you see in the media and pictures of models, for those features are you and nothing is as pretty as your love for yourself. Beauty too can come in so many forms, and to the forces of nature, illustrated in this story by the King of Hell and God of Death, the most natural of all forces, nothing is more important than the beauty of your mind.

Superficiality is killed when the eyes are closed to let the ears hear the magnificent words coming out of your mouth, to understand the purity of your golden ideas, and to feel the true essence of what truly is you beneath the shell that might or might not be attractive by the common definition.

To wrap up the story of a prodigy and his unjust end, I advise each and every one of you to stand in front of a mirror and say that you are beautiful because if you accept it, no sword can scathe your soul. And you are not just beautiful because of what you look like, you are beautiful because of what you feel, because of what you think about when you steer away with your thoughts in public, you are beautiful because of what you love and what you cherish, because of the art that leaks like rainbows from your mind and most importantly, you are beautiful because you wake up and live every day to the fullest despite what the poison you hear from the people in your life.

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