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كنا على ضفاف نهر الشرود.. على شاطئ البحر في مكاننا المعتاد.. المفضل إن صح التعبير.. و كالعادة مر الوقت معك بسرعة إلتقاء جفنيك.. أوصلتك مكرها إلى المبيت الجامعي و عدت أجر أذيال الشوق.. شيء ما يجذبني من ملابسي لا يريدني أن أتقدم..

كنت أترجم شيفرات صورتك في عقلي و أحفظها في ركن خاص جدا.. عندما وضعت رجلي على المعبد و دهستني سيارة .. لم أشعر بشيء و لا أذكر حتى هذه اللحظة ما الذي حدث!

أفقت من غيبوبتي القصيرة.. و الدوار يلف رأسي ألما كأن يدين ساحقتين تضغطان عليه .. إلتفت يمنة و يسرة فإذا جمع من الناس يلتفون حولي و ينادونني بٱسم أحمد .. و من أحمد هذا! و من أنتم؟ و مالذي أفعله على هذا السرير؟ و ما هذه الرائحة التي أكرهها؟ أهي رائحة المشفى؟ حاولت رفع رأسي و لكن سرعان ما أغمي علي .. لأفيق مجددا وسط نفس المتاهة ..

أظنني لست من يبحثون عنه .. ربما الغرفة المجاورة .. فأنا لا أعرف من يكون أحمد هذا الذي يطلقون علي ٱسمه .. ثم إن إحدى الفتيات التي لم أرد أن تفلت يدي من نعومة يديها .. كانت تبكي بحرقة و شهقاتها متتالية .. سألتها مالذي أصابها لكنها لم تجب .. و أردت رفع يدي لأتحسس وجهي فلم أقدر .. فإذا بي أرى في بلور الخزانة المقابلة ضمادات تلفه و لا يظهر منه غير عيناي و شفتاي و فتحتا أنفي.. بت الليلة هناك .. في المكان ذي الرائحة التي أكرهها .. و لو كنت أقدر على الرحيل لرحلت لكني لم أستشعر حتى أصابعي .. كانت ساقاي مغلفتين كليا بالأبيض .. جامدتين متصلبتين إذ فقدت شعوري بهما .. و مع تأخر الوقت نام الجميع فوق الكراسي في تلك الغرفة الضيقة على صدري .. إلا تلك التي تذرف الدمع .. حتى أني خفت عليها أن تفقد بصرها بسببه .. كانت تتحسس يدي و تحضنها و تخبرني أن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام .. و أني سأكتب مجددا ..

أشرقت شمس الصباح و رحل البعض و ٱستأذن آخرون واعدين بالعودة .. لم أعطهم موافقة و لم أهتم بوجودهم من عدمه لأني أخفقت في التعرف على أي من وجوههم التي بدت لي متعبة و حزينة .. ولج للغرفة الطبيب ذاته الذي شخصني الليلة الماضية .. فحصني و طمأنني أني بخير ثم ابتسم ملئ شدقيه و تمنى لي يوما جميلا .. كيف لا يكون يا دكتور و هذا القمر لا يفارقني اللحظة .. و فور أن وطأت رجله خارج الباب قفزت تلك الحسناء من مكانها مسرعة و لحقت به .. كان حوارهما المضطرب يظهر من خلف البلور .. تحدثا قليلا ثم طأطأ رأسه و صرخت هي بقوة و سقطت مغشيا عليها .. أردت التحرك لكني لم أقدر .. أردت نجدتها لكني عجزت .. حينها فقط أدركت أني سأكمل عمري مشلولا .. فاقدا لذاكرتي .. فاقدا لتلك الحسناء التي ربما كنت أحبها و أعدها بالزواج .. و بعد بضع ساعات عادت و أخذت مجلسها ذاته تتأوه من كدمة زرقاء أعلى جبينها ..

لم يكن هناك سوانا في الغرفة .. فرأيتها فرصة أن أسألها من تكون و ما الذي أتى بي هنا ؟ أخبرتني أنها تدعى فلانة و أني أدعى أحمد .. كنت معها بالأمس في مكاننا الخاص و عندما كنت في طريقي للمنزل صدمتني سيارة كادت تودي بحياتي لولا ألطاف الله .. عقدت حاجبي و حاولت التذكر لكني بحيرة أخبرتها أني لا أعلم ما الذي تتحدث عنه مطلقا .. و لم أكمل جملتي حتى دخلت إمرأة تولول و رجل باك في مقتبل الخمسينات من العمر .. لم أعرف من يكونان شخصيا لكنهما من أقربائي على ما يبدو .. و فورا خرجت الفتاة و بقيا .. و راحا يحققان معي صارخين مالذي حصل ؟ و كيف و متى ؟ و أين ؟ ليداهمني صداع شديد جدا صرخت من وهله بأعلى صوتي .. نادوا للطاقم الطبي و مع وصولهم كنت قد أغمي علي مجددا .. عندما فتحت عيناي على صوت الجهاز الموصول بنبضات فؤادي .. جهاز كنت أشاهده في الأفلام فقط .. كان الرجل و المرأة عن يميني و عن شمالي .. و الفتاة الجميلة ذاتها شابكة رجليها و يديها و تجلس في الركن المقابل لي تماما .. آه كم كنت أتمنى في داخلي لو كنت حبيبها قبل فقدان ذاكرتي أو شيئا من هذا القبيل .. سألتها من هاذان ؟ فبكت المرأة .. أخبرتني أنهما والداي جاءا عندما سمعا بما حصل لي .. لكني حقا كنت كأني أراهما لأول مرة في حياتي .. رغم أنهما أبي و أمي و المفروض أنه مهما كانت صدمة الرأس قوية و إن حصل و خانتني ذاكرتي .. هما ساكنا الفؤاد اللامنسيين لأي شخص .. لكني نسيتهما .. مرت ثلاث أسابيع و أنا طريح الفراش .. و يوم خروجي كنت على كرسي بدولابين .. لم أقدر على تحريكهما فقد شلت كل أطرافي .. كانت ذات المرأة التي تدفعه هي التي أخبروني أنها أمي .. يا إلهي! حملتني وهنا من بعد وهن و في اليوم الذي سقطت فيه .. هي التي أنجدتني كما أظنها أنجدتني في أول خطوة لي .. و لم أرى أثرا لتلك الفتاة شبيهة القمر منذ ذاك اليوم .. بعد أربعين سنة ..

بقلم أحمد ڨويدر

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Chapter 5 : Medea, A fractured halo.






The heat was unbearable to say the least, a suffocating hand squeezing the very air from my lungs. As if eternal damnation wasn’t torture enough for the inhabitants of this cursed realm.

Tartarus wasn’t for the weak. Or at least, that’s what I gathered from the looks of it. Down here, the whispers of Asphodel and Elysieum were a cruel joke. Every instinct in my body was begging me to turn and flee, until a flicker of movement in the distance snagged my attention, making me halt in my steps. 

Someone was watching me. 

“Mermerus?” a woman’s voice echoed through the abyss, “Mermerus, is that you?”

Words died on my tongue. Though a silver of desperation lingered in her voice, everything about the approaching figure sent chills skittering down my spine. Crimson red robes, the color of spilled blood, clung to her form, a stark contrast to her pale skin. Her untamed black hair almost covered the entirety of her back. Something about her seemed disturbingly primordial. This was no benevolent spirit, no sorrowful soul. This woman was a true creature of darkness, someone who had not simply adapted to Tartarus but seemed to thrive in its haunting embrace.

As she drew closer, I could see the disappointment in her eyes slowly settle in. For I wasn’t Mermerus, nor did I know of this person she despondently wanted me to be.

Mere inches separated us now. She towered over me then reached out her hand to cup my face. Her touch wasn’t one of comfort, but far from it.

“You do look remarkably like him.” She murmured, the softness in her voice a fleeting mirage.

“Who is he?” I managed to let out as she turned around and started to make her way back.

“My child.”

“And where is he now?” I dared to ask.

The sound of her footsteps abruptly stopped. In the deafening silence, she turned, a cruel smile twisting her lips.

“Dead.”  She said, her voice devoid of emotion, “I killed him.”

A minute passed, or maybe an eternity I’m not certain. Those last three words hung in the air between us, words that felt more like a boast than a regretful confession. 

“Oh please, spare me the shock, I’m sick of it, Who are you boy? Did Aphrodite send you to further taunt me? Sending a boy who looks like my dead child is a wicked move I must admit.” 

“No, my lady.“ I gulped, “Forgive me but I don’t even know who you are.”

A notorious laugh escaped her lips. “Gods and their twisted games.“ she spat, a flicker of something akin to boredom flashing in her eyes. “Fine then, I am Medea, Grand-daughter of the sun. Daughter of the sea, Niece to supreme sorceress Circe. Witch.” She took a step closer, forcing me to crane my neck to meet her gaze. “ A mere thread separates the bumbling foolishness of mortals and the cruel whims of the gods » she hissed, the last word dripping with venom. “ And I walk that thread fueled by powers you, child, can faintly comprehend.”

Ignoring the termance in my voice, I managed to ask “How did you end up here then? amidst this…torment?”

“Why don’t I show you?” she whispered, her voice laced with dark amusement.

Before I could protest, she reached out for my hand. She muttered something in a tongue I couldn’t quite decipher, a strange incantation. The world began to wrap and twist, the great sleep, the great forgetting, darkness, then light.

The world solidified again, I was no longer in Tartarus. My body didn’t feel like mine, Stagnant powers lurked within me, Realization dawned on me.


I wasn’t looking at Medea anymore, I was Medea.


Everything was a blur, experiencing one’s memories through their eyes was nothing short of disorienting. The visions got slightly clearer; A Flash of a golden fleece, the triumphant glint in a pair of unfamiliar eyes. A love so intense it burned. Sacrifices made, yet promises shattered, betrayal, passion morphed into a cage of raging fury, lust for revenge, bloody hands. The smell of death, A chilling satisfaction, A hollow victory, Then back to darkness. 

My eyes fluttered open. I stretched my hands, relieved to feel my own body again.

“How did you do that? Doesn’t being in Tartarus stop you from casting any spells?” I breathe out, still dizzy from the lingering magic.

Medea arched an eyebrow as if I had just asked her the most nonsensical question ever.

“I am a witch, boy. Forever bound to earth. I am tied to the four elements. Tartarus is filled with one of them in all its forms, Fire. My power comes from within. Although this cursed place has tamed it, it could never quench its flames.”

The frustration in her eyes mirrored the confusion churning within me. The visions… hazy fragments that have left me reeling. “I felt them…” I stammered, meeting her gaze, “Your emotions, your rage, as if they were mine.” The weight of a story demanding to be told hung in the air. “Tell me Lady Medea, what has happened to you?”


A sigh followed by, then she began to unravel her past before me.


“Colchis was my home. Magic flowed through my veins, a birthright passed down from my ancestors. Then came Jason, a Greek hero with eyes that shimmered like the Aegean sea and a smile that promised forever. How foolish I was. For him, I defied my own blood. I won him the golden fleece, a prize named by his uncle in order to reclaim his throne. Looking back now, I realize what a waist of muscles Jason was. Without my magic and my wits, he could’ve never returned to his lands victorious AND unharmed. I vowed to protect him. I fled my home to be by his side. Bloody sacrifices on the altar of his empty ambitions. I was promised by Aphrodite an everlasting love as beautiful as dawn breaking over mount olympus if I aid him in his ‘heroic’ quest. I forgot however that while Jason was the goddess’s chosen, I was nothing but her pawn. A mere puppet that will grant her ephemeral glory once hit by Cupid’s bows. But promises made by the gods are fickle. A lesson I had yet to learn at that age.” 

Medea’s fists clenched, turning her knuckles white. She glared into the distance, as if she was reliving the past.


“Another woman caught Jason’s eye upon our arrival to Greece. A princess named Glauce with royal blood and a kingdom to rule over. He cast me aside, leaving me and our children within a blink of an eye . Foolish, foolish man. He had underestimated me, like the rest of them. My grief turned into rage. Revenge became the ultimate goal, a burning ember demanding to burn all it touched. Killing him was never an option. I needed him to feel an ounce of the agony I have felt while breathing still. So I did what had to be done. I took from him what he grew to value most, his new fiancé, her father’s money, and our own offspring. And if I had to, I would do it all over again.”


A look of serenity washed over Medea’s eyes. She unclenched her fists, her shoulders relaxed. I waited in silence for her to finish her story.


“Heaven and Hell became mere words to me. I fled Corinth, cloaked in the golden chariot my grand-father Helios sent me, leaving Jason a broken shell of the man I once loved. People may call me a villain, a mad woman, the devil incarnate for some, but I call myself a hero. I was the one who won the golden fleece. I have defied dragons and armies, navigated foreign waters alongside Jason’s crew and secured his throne all by myself. I deserved the recognition. I have spent my whole life diluting myself to make it easier to be loved. I have dimmed my magic, a witch masquerading as a human for an oath of eternal happiness. I was more than content with working in the shadows and letting Jason take credit for my mastery if only it meant he would be with me. And what do I get in return? Betrayal. Tragedy is a condition to existence, and I have chosen madness as my defense against it. For the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn’t. My guilt will not purify me. And I accepted that long ago. Let them fear my wrath, let them whisper of my madness. Let them blindly pretend that all of their favorite heroes haven’t bathed their hands in blood too. But of course, blood doesn’t taint a man’s heroism. When a man seeks vengeance, it’s a mark of strength. When a woman does the same, she’s branded a monster.”


She tipped her chin upward, as if addressing the very gods who have betrayed her.


“I am no longer a pawn of fates. I am Medea, I am my own person and I shall spend my remaining days here in Tartarus, my new found home, where I truly belong.”


I stood there, transfixed. Words failed to decipher what I felt at that moment. Medea eyed me up and down one last time. 

“It’s truly incredible how much you look like Mermerus.” she softly whispered,  “Be careful boy. Don’t trust anyone but yourself down here.”


My mind grew heavy with questions left unanswered. I watched as Medea disappeared in the swirling sulfurous mist just as she had emerged from it moments prior.  As I started to make my way back towards the gates, I realized that by simply accepting her fate, this scorned woman has already defied the gods. I may not call her a hero, as she demanded to be called, but she definitely wasn’t a villain either. The very line between good and evil blurred before me. I left Tartarus with a heavy heart and a newfound perspective.



Written by : Fatma Ben Romdhane.

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