À vos plumes
A detailed reflection in the mirror
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In a room full of various characters, my favorite person is smiling at me.
Wonderful smile that makes me believe in the purity of human souls.
A pure heart, an infinite generosity, and a strong will to please and help others.
I was standing right in front of her trying to figure out why she’s being such a perfect soul in such a vicious world; I spoke to her: “Why being so naïve?! Can’t you see the evil that this world is hiding!”
She answered with a picturesque smile on her face “I just can’t help it! My heart is my master.”
I can clearly see how she is lead by a mixture of emotions stored in her dazzling spirit. I don’t know whether I admire her or I feel pity for her.
Probably I’ll be weeping because that’s what I’m good at, my morbid soul made me a convict of depression, I always see the half empty part of the glass.
I’m a sullen persona who keeps on spreading the bad vibes everywhere, and you know what, my sorrow can be contagious because I’m like a parasite I heal my scars from other people’s happiness.
Wait a minute look who’s here I am trying to find the right words to describe this individual or I don’t know if she ever has a single human characteristic… No! I’m not exaggerating; that’s exactly who this person is; a mean spirited, and a sadist who enjoys hurting people with no guilt at all; it’s like serial killers you know the only difference is that psychopaths like serial killers murder bodies. However this girl kills people morally; her monster enjoys your doom.
In fact, only one single person can put an end to her malice. This one right here, I can see her shining soul glowing all over the place, with her optimistic attitude and her cheerfulness that gives you the delight and the will to live and achieve your dreams.
Even talking about her gave me goosebumps, this persona is an actual living symbol of life.
Finally we met in one single room, the four personas, sitting on one single chair, in front of a beautifully framed mirror.
I said this to myself: “Even with all the differences we have, I love all of you because all of you live within me.”